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Using AppleScript to Get and Set Keyboard Maestro Variables

Get and Set Variables

Keyboard Maestro Version 7.1 introduced a streamlined way to Get and Set Keyboard Maestro Variables from AppleScript.

In AppleScript, you can tell the application “Keyboard Maestro Engine” to:

getvariable <KM Variable Name>
setvariable <KM Variable Name> to <New Value>

where both the <KM Variable Name> and <New Value> are text values.


### Requires Keyboard Maestro 7.1+ ###
--- Set AppleScript Variables to KM Variable Name and Value ---
set myKMVar to "My KM Var Name"
set myASVar to "TBD" -- default value of KM variable, will be updated
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
  ### GET ###
  -- IF KM Variable does NOT exist, the AS Variable will be set to empty string --
  -- Use Explicit Quoted Text --
  set myASVar to getvariable "My KM Var Name"
  -- OR, Use Previously Defined AppleScript Variables --
  set myASVar to getvariable myKMVar
  ### SET ###
  -- IF KM Variable does NOT exist, it will be created --
  -- Use Explicit Quoted Text --
  setvariable "My KM Var Name" to "A new value"
  -- OR, Use Previously Defined AppleScript Variables --
  setvariable myKMVar to myASVar
end tell

Normally, you would not have both a GET and a SET variable within the same AppleScript tell block.
Here's a real-world example, but with the error checking removed to simplify.

tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
  set mainStr to getvariable "SCPT__MainString"
  set subStr to getvariable "SCPT__StringToFind"
end tell
--- Get Start of StringToFind ---
set posSubStr to offset of subStr in mainStr
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine" to setvariable "SCPT__PosSubStr" to posSubStr

For more details, see Scripting article in the Manual Section.

Prior to Ver 7.1

  • All of the below scripts were designed for use with Keyboard Maestro prior to version 7.1, but they will still work with the latest version.
  • They present an alternate method.

Set Variable

(will be created if necessary)

my setKMVar("MY_KM_Variable", "some new value")
on setKMVar(pKMVarNameStr, pValueStr)
  --- Compatible with Keyboard Maestro 6+ ---
  --     • Creates the KM Variable it does not exist (just like KM 7 setvariable)
  --     • Returns true if new Variable was created
  set varCreatedBool to false
  tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
      set value of variable pKMVarNameStr to pValueStr
    on error errMsg number errNum
      if (errNum = -10006) then --- KM Variable Does NOT Exist ---
        --- Create & Set KM Variable ---
        make new variable with properties {name:pKMVarNameStr, value:pValueStr}
        set varCreatedBool to true
        error ("Error " & errNum & ":  " & errMsg)
      end if
      -- END on error
    end try
  end tell
  return varCreatedBool
end setKMVar

Get Existing Variable

set myKMVar to my getKMVar("MY_KM_Variable")
on getKMVar(pKMVarNameStr)
  --- Compatible with Keyboard Maestro 6+ ---
  --     • Returns "" if variable is not found (just like KM 7)
  tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
      set kmVar to value of variable pKMVarNameStr
    on error errMsg number errNum
      if (errNum = -1728) then
        --- KM Variable NOT Found ---
        set kmVar to ""
        error errMsg
      end if
      -- END on error
    end try
  end tell
  return kmVar
end getKMVar
AppleScript.1496628489.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/04 22:08 by JMichaelTX