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Frequently_Asked_Questions [2024/12/27 22:43]
peternlewis [How should I name my variables?]
Frequently_Asked_Questions [2024/12/27 22:48] (current)
peternlewis [Is Keyboard Maestro compatible with Sonoma?]
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 Note that Mojave and later add lots of nagging for security permissions that can be tedious when first using Keyboard Maestro or when first controlling a specific facility or application. Note that Mojave and later add lots of nagging for security permissions that can be tedious when first using Keyboard Maestro or when first controlling a specific facility or application.
 +==== Is Keyboard Maestro compatible with Sequoia? ====
 +Yes, Keyboard Maestro version 11 is fully compatible with Sequoia. In fact, Keyboard Maestro versions going back as far as version 4.x still work fine on Sequoia.
 +The Tesseract OCR library that Keyboard Maestro uses frequently fails with a memory corruption in Sequoia. It is unlikely we will be able to fix this, however the Apple Text Recognition supported by recent versions of Keyboard Maestro generally works better in most cases. Note that it currently supports English-only,​ so if you use OCR on non-English text, this may be a problem for you.
 +Similar to previous versions there are endless little niggles in the security system which may cause issues when first getting Keyboard Maestro permission.
 +Also, Sequoia tends to re-request Screen Monitoring permissions periodically which may be a nuisance, and for headless or unattended Macs may be a serious problem.
 ==== Reporting a bug ==== ==== Reporting a bug ====
Frequently_Asked_Questions.1735357400.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/12/27 22:43 by peternlewis