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Getting_Started [2023/10/10 02:22]
peternlewis [Getting Started]
Getting_Started [2023/10/10 02:23] (current)
Line 133: Line 133:
 Download Rakesh Kumar’s [PC Switcher Pack](http://​​ and follow the instructions. Download Rakesh Kumar’s [PC Switcher Pack](http://​​ and follow the instructions.
-===== See Also ===== 
 ==== Forum ==== ==== Forum ====
 - [[https://​​t/​duh-an-actions-gear-icons-help-takes-you-to-the-wiki/​3652/​2|DUH! An Action'​s Gear Icon's "​Help"​ takes you to the Wiki]] - [[https://​​t/​duh-an-actions-gear-icons-help-takes-you-to-the-wiki/​3652/​2|DUH! An Action'​s Gear Icon's "​Help"​ takes you to the Wiki]]
Getting_Started.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/10 02:23 by peternlewis