ick the BUTTON{{{Record}}} button. After a short pause for you to get ready, recording will begin. To avoid the pause, hold the option key down while clicking the BUTT... rding Window }}
While you are recording, you can pause the recording by clicking the BUTTON{{{Pause}}} button in the Recording window.
Normally, Keyboard Maes
bugging, you can control whether new macros start paused or start running.
The macro debugger shows all ... r until it hits a Debugger Breakpoint action.
* **Pause** the macro.
* **Step Over** the current action, ... in a window.
To debug a macro:
* Make sure the “Pause New Macros” is checked.
* Trigger your macro.
* Y... up and the screen is stable. Add an appropriate Pause action if that is the case.
If you close the deb
ded an option to reduce the CPU usage of [[action:Pause_Until|Pause Until]] actions for long running pauses.
* Support [[action:Set_Variable_to_Text|Set Variable to Text]]
n this window will stop all recording, or you can pause recording, or add a 0.25 second Pause action to the current recording. Option-clicking the BUTTON{{{Cloc... ime” recording and Keyboard Maestro will record a pause between each action to simulate playback at appro
etcetera clipboards.
* Control Flow actions to pause, loop, test conditions, process sets of items, and more.
* Debugger actions to breakpoint, pause, step over, step into, etcetera, while debugging