d the window or focus, then you may need a short _Pause_ after that Action.
1. If the action might be fai... he macro wait, there are two options:
* [[action:Pause|Pause]]: this adds a pause of a fixed length
* [[action:Pause_Until|Pause Until]]: this tells Keyboard Maestro
pboard mangling action, add an appropriately long Pause followed by a Delete Current Clipboard action. The length of the Pause will depend on the target application and the spe... r a macro palette trigger.
==== When do I need a Pause? ====
The most common places you need a [[action:Pause|Pause]] or [[action:Pause Until|Pause Until]] act
====== Pause Until Action ======
The //Pause Until// action pauses until criteria for conditions are met.
By default (v
====== Pause ======
The //Pause// action pauses for a number of seconds. You may enter a calculation for the number ... seconds. Enter the number or calculation in the //Pause for// text area.
{{ pause-action.png?nolink&424x178 | Pause Action }}
You can pause for a number of h
==== Using the Front Window Title with the Pause Until Action ====
If you are using Keyboard Maes... Open, Save, Save As), you can use the **[[action:Pause_Until|Pause Until]]** action to pause based on the Window Title, which will often change during the process.
To det
====== Pause Until Change ======
The *Pause Until Change* action (v10.0+) pauses until some aspect of the system changes.
You can pause until:
* the System Clipboard changes
* the Fron... s|See all Triggers]]
=== Actions ===
* [[action:Pause|Pause]] action
* [[action:Pause_Until|Pause Until
ick the BUTTON{{{Record}}} button. After a short pause for you to get ready, recording will begin. To avoid the pause, hold the option key down while clicking the BUTT... rding Window }}
While you are recording, you can pause the recording by clicking the BUTTON{{{Pause}}} button in the Recording window.
Normally, Keyboard Maes
You should add these required large delays using [Pause](Pause) or better yet, [Pause Until](Pause_Until) actions. If you set the Between Actions Delay to a large value your macro is going
rrent Movie =====
Play the current movie.
===== Pause Current Movie =====
Pause the current movie.
===== Play/Pause Current Movie =====
Toggle from playing to pausing or vice-versa.
r until it hits a Debugger Breakpoint action.
* **Pause** the macro.
* **Step Over** the current action, ... in a window.
To debug a macro:
* Make sure the “Pause New Macros” is checked.
* Trigger your macro.
* Y... up and the screen is stable. Add an appropriate Pause action if that is the case.
If you close the deb
andom song from a specified Playlist.
===== Play/Pause Current Track =====
Toggle from playing to pausing or vice-versa.
===== Pause Current Track =====
Pause the current song.
===== Stop Current Track =====
Stop playing any song.
n this window will stop all recording, or you can pause recording, or add a 0.25 second Pause action to the current recording. Option-clicking the BUTTON{{{Cloc... ime” recording and Keyboard Maestro will record a pause between each action to simulate playback at appro
* and many others
==== Pause Until Clipboard Changes ====
Sometimes you will... ore ≠ CLIPBOARDSEED()`) condition in the [[action:Pause_Until|Pause Until Action]] to achieve this. Of course you will need to set the Keyboard Maestro Variabl