pecified string. (v7.2+)
* matches a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* does not match a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* is numerically less than a specified calculation. (v8+)
fter a specified string.
* matches a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* does not match a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* is numerically less than a specified calculation.
* is num
fter a specified string.
* matches a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* does not match a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
===== See Also =====
=== Actions ===
* [[action:If Then E
specified string.
* The title matches a specified regularexpression.
* The title does not match a specified regularexpression.
* It exists but the title does not match a specified regularexpression.
* Is full screen.
* Is not full screen.
* It exi
* returns text that is matches a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* returns text that is does not matches a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* returns text that is numerically less than a
pecified string. (v7.2+)
* matches a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* does not match a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* is numerically less than a specified calculation. (v8+)
ely) a specified string.
* matches a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* does not match a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
===== See Also =====
=== Actions ===
* [[action:If Then E
pecified string. (v7.2+)
* matches a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* does not match a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* is numerically less than a specified calculation. (v8+)
ely) a specified string.
* matches a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
* does not match a specified [[:Regular Expressions|regularexpression]].
===== See Also =====
=== Actions ===
* [[action:If Then E
. |
^ matches | has text that matches a specified regularexpression. |
^ does not match | does not have text that matches a specified regularexpression. |
As with any OCR, the text may contain errors
) |
^ matches | has text that matches a specified regularexpression. |
^ does not match | does not have text that matches a specified regularexpression. |
^ is < | has text that is numerically less tha