====== Pause Until Action ======
The //Pause Until// action pauses until criteria for conditions are met.
====== Pause ======
The //Pause// action pauses for a number of seconds. You may enter a calculation for the number of seconds. Enter the number or calculation in the //Pause for// text area.
{{ pause-action.png?nolink&424
====== Pause Until Change ======
The *Pause Until Change* action (v10.0+) pauses until some aspect of the system changes.
You can pause until:
* the System Clipboard changes
* the Fron
* Debugger Toggle.
* Debugger New Macros Paused.
* Debugger New Macros Run.
* Debugger Breakpoin... s.
===== Using the Debugger =====
If a macro is paused, or if a macro starts paused, but the next action is a Debugger action, it will run anyway. This allow... up and the screen is stable. Add an appropriate Pause action if that is the case.
If you close the deb
You should add these required large delays using [Pause](Pause) or better yet, [Pause Until](Pause_Until) actions. If you set the Between Actions Delay to a large value your macro is going
andom song from a specified Playlist.
===== Play/Pause Current Track =====
Toggle from playing to pausing or vice-versa.
===== Pause Current Track =====
Pause the current song.
===== Stop Current Track =====
Stop playing any song.
rrent Movie =====
Play the current movie.
===== Pause Current Movie =====
Pause the current movie.
===== Play/Pause Current Movie =====
Toggle from playing to pausing or vice-versa.
* [[action:If Then Else|If Then Else]]
* [[action:Pause_Until|Pause Until Conditions Met]]
* [[action:Until|Execute Action Until Conditions Met]]
* [[action:Whi