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Syncing_Macros_Between_Macs [2016/06/23 04:52]
Syncing_Macros_Between_Macs [2023/10/10 03:12] (current)
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-{{:sync-icon.png?​nolink |}} +~~REDIRECT>​manual:Macro_Syncing~~
-====== Macro Sync ======+
-Keyboard Maestro includes built in support for syncing you macros. 
-First, **all except the first Mac will have their macros entirely replaced**, so if you have different macros on each Mac you should export any unique macros for latter import after you have set up syncing. 
-* On the first Mac, select Start Syncing from the File menu, select Create New, and save your macros to your Dropbox (or other) folder. 
-* Wait for Dropbox to do its magic. 
-* On each other Mac, export any unique macros, select Start Syncing, select Open Existing, **read the dialog**, then select the sync file in your Dropbox folder, then import your unique macros. 
-Macro syncing is all or nothing, so all your macros will be on all your Macs, and you can edit them on any Mac.  You can set a Macro Group to be disabled specifically on this Mac by editing it in the editor. 
-As long as you don't make changes on two Macs faster than Dropbox syncs you will not get any conflicts, but if you do, Dropbox will save a conflict file and one or other change will be lost.  You will probably need to periodically delete any conflict files Dropbox generates. 
-Note: Only your macros are synced. None of your preferences,​ clipboards or variables are synced. 
-For more information,​ see [Keyboard Maestro 7 Documentation:​ Macro Syncing](/​manual/​Macro_Syncing) 
Syncing_Macros_Between_Macs.1466671941.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/23 04:52 by peternlewis