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Transition_From_QuicKeys [2019/11/10 23:06]
JMichaelTX ADD icon and title
Transition_From_QuicKeys [2023/09/05 00:18] (current)
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 ====== Transition from QuicKeys ====== ====== Transition from QuicKeys ======
 A lot of users are moving from QuicKeys to Keyboard Maestro as the last several major Mac OS X upgrades have left many QuicKeys users stranded without a macro solution. A lot of users are moving from QuicKeys to Keyboard Maestro as the last several major Mac OS X upgrades have left many QuicKeys users stranded without a macro solution.
-Keyboard Maestro strives to ensure it always uses legitimate Mac OS X APIs so that old versions typically work with little or no disruption on newer versions of Mac OS X.  ​We believe versions 2, 3, 4, and 5 all continue to work on Mac OS X Mavericks even though it was released long after their last version was released.+Keyboard Maestro strives to ensure it always uses legitimate Mac OS X APIs so that old versions typically work with little or no disruption on newer versions of Mac OS X.  ​Versions of Keyboard Maestro back to version ​4 continue to run in the current ​Mac OS X.
 This page aims to ease the transition for people converting from QuicKeys. ​ Unfortunately,​ there is no way to automatically convert your macros from QuicKeys to Keyboard Maestro, so it is going to be a fairly manual process of recreating your macros. This page aims to ease the transition for people converting from QuicKeys. ​ Unfortunately,​ there is no way to automatically convert your macros from QuicKeys to Keyboard Maestro, so it is going to be a fairly manual process of recreating your macros.
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 * Keyboard Maestro is still in active development. * Keyboard Maestro is still in active development.
-* Keyboard Maestro follows the rules, so sometimes Quickeys can do things that I wont do in Keyboard Maestro, but on the other hand, Keyboard Maestro version ​released in 2007 still runs under Yosemite.+* Keyboard Maestro follows the rules, so sometimes Quickeys can do things that I wont do in Keyboard Maestro, but on the other hand, Keyboard Maestro version ​released in 2009 still runs in the current macOS (and older ones probably would too if Apple had not dropped support for 32-bit Intel in Catalina).
 * Keyboard Maestro has a very orthogonal approach, so each action tends to be independent to other actions. ​ There is an action to iterate through the Finder'​s selection, and there is an action to move a file, and you put the two of them together to move the Finder'​s selection, but the Move action does not itself have an option to move the Finder'​s selection. * Keyboard Maestro has a very orthogonal approach, so each action tends to be independent to other actions. ​ There is an action to iterate through the Finder'​s selection, and there is an action to move a file, and you put the two of them together to move the Finder'​s selection, but the Move action does not itself have an option to move the Finder'​s selection.
-* Keyboard Maestro has no concept of macros being global or not global, so no concept of *global* hot keys being overridden by *scoped* hot keys.  Keyboard Maestro does have application-specific macro groups and a variety of other ways of *scoping* macros though, but if two hot key triggered macros are active at the same time then you will be asked which one you mean.+* Keyboard Maestro has no concept of macros being global or not global, so no concept of *global* hot keys being overridden by *scoped* hot keys.  Keyboard Maestro does have application-specific macro groups and a variety of other ways of *scoping* macros though, but if two hot key triggered macros are active at the same time then you will be asked which one you mean - this in turn can be a powerful feature, allowing you to use a single hot key to trigger any of a number of different macros.
 * What Quickeys calls Toolbars is called Palettes in Keyboard Maestro. * What Quickeys calls Toolbars is called Palettes in Keyboard Maestro.
 ==== Quick Start ==== ==== Quick Start ====
-Like all new users to Keyboard Maestro, you should have a look at the Quick Start (Help -> Quick Start) ​which explains how the components of Keyboard Maestro (the editor and engine, macro groups and macros, triggers and actions) work together. ​+Like all new users to Keyboard Maestro, you should have a look at the [[manual:​Quick_Start|Quick Start]] which explains how the components of Keyboard Maestro (the editor and engine, macro groups and macros, triggers and actions) work together. ​
 ==== Importing Manually ==== ==== Importing Manually ====
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 ==== Prompting for User Input ==== ==== Prompting for User Input ====
-Quickeys includes an option in some macros to ask for user input to the action (eg the Repeat Count). ​ In Keyboard Maestro, you ask for user input using the Prompt ​For User Input action, and then use the resulting variables in any further actions. ​ Remember that almost any numeric field can take variables, ​function ​or calculations,​ and almost any text field can take text tokens, which includes variables ​in the form *%Variable%Variable Name%*.  See the forum post titled [Variable Repeat](http://​​t/​variable-repeat/​225).+Quickeys includes an option in some macros to ask for user input to the action (eg the Repeat Count). ​ In Keyboard Maestro, you ask for user input using the [[action:​Prompt_for_User_Input|Prompt ​for User Input]] action, and then use the resulting variables in any further actions. ​ Remember that almost any numeric field can take [[manual:​Variables|variables]][[/​Functions|functions]] ​or [[manual:​Calculations|calculations]], and almost any text field can take [[manual:​Tokens|text tokens]], which includes ​[[token:​Variable|variables ​]].  See the forum post titled [Variable Repeat](http://​​t/​variable-repeat/​225).
 ==== Working with the Finder Selection ==== ==== Working with the Finder Selection ====
-Quickeys includes an option in some file actions to work on the Finder Selection. In Keyboard Maestro, you work with the Finder Selection by using the For Each action to iterate over the selected files. From there, you can do whatever you would like with the files using the various file actions, or by processing with a script or other means. There is a ''​smart ​action'' ​in the acton selector for For Each Path in the Finder Selection, which is simply a For Each action, preset to iterate through the Finder ​Selection collection. You can put whatever actions you like within that action. See the forum post titled [Working with the Finder Selection](http://​​t/​working-with-the-finder-selection/​278).+Quickeys includes an option in some file actions to work on the Finder Selection. In Keyboard Maestro, you work with the Finder Selection by using the For Each action to iterate over the selected files. From there, you can do whatever you would like with the files using the various file actions, or by processing with a script or other means. There is a pre-configured ​action in the acton selector for `For Each Path in the Finder Selection`, which is simply a [[action:​For_Each|For Each]] action, preset to iterate through the [[collection:​Finders_Selection|Finders ​Selection]] collection. You can put whatever actions you like within that action. See the forum post titled [Working with the Finder Selection](http://​​t/​working-with-the-finder-selection/​278).
Transition_From_QuicKeys.1573445184.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/10 23:06 by JMichaelTX