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Triggers [2015/01/12 23:15]
peternlewis created
Triggers [2025/02/04 21:34] (current)
peternlewis [See Also]
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-Keyboard Maestro has a variety of triggers. ​ A trigger ​describes how you start/​execute/​run a macro.+{{:trigger-icon.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +====== Macro Triggers ======
-See the [documentation](http://​​documentation/​6/​triggers.html) for more information on triggers and how to use them. 
-Some available ​triggers ​include:+Keyboard Maestro has a variety of triggers.  A trigger defines what event causes a macro to be executed, provided that the conditions set by the [[Macro_Groups|Macro Group]] it is in are met.  Note that a macro may have multiple triggers.
 +===== Available Triggers =====
 <nspages trigger -textPages="">​ <nspages trigger -textPages="">​
 +===== How to Assign a Trigger =====
 +1. After Creating the Macro, CLICK on the GREEN PLUS button
 +2. A Popup Menu will appear
 +3. Click on the Trigger type you want
 +4. In the case of a HotKey Trigger, a field will be selected (highlighted)
 +5. Just PRESS THE KEYSTROKE (including any modifer keys) that you want for the HotKey Trigger
 +6. That'​s it!
 +===== See Also =====
 +=== Topics ===
 +* [[:Macro Groups|Macro Groups]]
 +* [[:Text Fields|Text Fields]]
 +* [[:​Frequently Asked Questions|FAQ]]
 +* [[:​Fundamental Concepts]]
 +=== Actions ===
 +* [[:​Actions|See all Actions]]
 +=== Conditions ===
 +* [[:​Conditions|See all Conditions]]
 +=== Functions ===
 +* [[:​Functions|See all Functions]]
 +=== Tokens ===
 +* [[:​Tokens|See all Tokens]]
 +==== Forum ====
 +- [[https://​​t/​conflict-between-conflict-palette-and-periodic-trigger/​4879/​2|Conflict between conflict palette and periodic trigger?]]
 +- [[https://​​tags/​triggers|Keyboard Maestro Forum topics about triggers]]
Triggers.1421122519.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/12 23:15 by peternlewis