tell application id "com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.editor" set mg to make new macro group with properties {name:"Multiple Clipboards"} tell mg repeat with i from 1 to 9 set m to make new macro with properties {name:"Copy " & i} tell m make new trigger with properties {xml:" FireType Pressed KeyCode 8 MacroTriggerType HotKey Modifiers 4096 "} make new action with properties {xml:" Action Copy MacroActionType ClipboardSwitcherMacroAction RedundandDisplayName Clipboard " & i & " "} end tell set m to make new macro with properties {name:"Paste " & i} tell m make new trigger with properties {xml:" FireType Pressed KeyCode 9 MacroTriggerType HotKey Modifiers 4096 "} make new action with properties {xml:" Action Paste MacroActionType ClipboardSwitcherMacroAction RedundandDisplayName Clipboard " & i & " "} end tell end repeat end tell end tell