====== Macro Actions ====== ===== Definition ===== **An **//Action//** in Keyboard Maestro is a specific process step (usually of limited scope) to be taken in a Keyboard Maestro [[manual:Macros|Macro]].** If a process consists of a series of steps, then an **//Action//** would be one step. A Macro may contain one or more **//Actions//**. ===== Actions Listed by Category ===== ==== Looping Actions ==== Actions that _loop_ through a set of other Actions until some criteria is met. * [[action:For_Each|For Each]] * [[action:Repeat|Repeat]] * [[action:Until|Until]] * [[action:While|While]] ==== User Interface (UI) Actions ==== App UI Elements * Insert Text by Typing * Manipulate a Window * Move a Window * Move and Resize a Window * Move or Click Mouse * Press a Button * Select or Show a Menu Item * Type a Keystroke Web Browser UI Elements\\ (Offered for "Front Browser", "Safari", and "Chrome") * Click Front Browser Link * Find Image on Screen * Focus Front Browser Field * Previous Front Browser Tab * Select Front Browser Field * Select Front Browser Tab * Set Front Browser Checkbox * Set Front Browser Field to Text * Set Front Browser Radio Button System UI Elements * Set Keyboard Layout ===== Actions Listed Alphabetically ===== ~~NOCACHE~~ ===== How To Use ===== Keyboard Maestro has a very large number of actions, some very specific, others more general. The most general **//Actions//** are those which [[Scripting|Execute a Script]], which, of course, can be as specific or general as you like. See the [List of Actions](#List_of_Available_Actions) below, or the [Keyboard Maestro Documentation](/manual/Macro_Actions) for more information on actions and how to use them. ===== How To Add an Action to a Macro ===== **There are a number of ways to add an **//Action//** to a Macro.**\\ Some of these are: * Choose Action from the Action List (Actions ➤ Show Actions menu) * Drag and Drop from Action List to Macro * Double-click on Action in Action List * Insert Action using the Keyboard Maestro Edit ➤ Insert Action menu * Insert Action by Name * Show using the Editor shortcut key **A** * Or from the menu Edit ➤ Insert Action by Name * Paste in actions copied from elsewhere * Import an exported list of actions (perhaps downloaded from the forum). **Here is a demo showing the first two methods:** {{:km-7.1-add-action-to-macro.an.gif?nolink|}} ===== Testing for Success or Failure of an Action ===== **You can use the [[token:ActionResult|ActionResult token]] to test for success or failure of the immediate past action.** * **If Successful**, Then "**//OK//**" is returned. * Otherwise, a message describing the reason for failure is returned. See the [[token:ActionResult|ActionResult token]] for details. ===== Export/Import Actions ===== You may also export/import Actions to/from files. This may be useful when you have a complex Action that you have configured in a special way, that you wish to share with others, or save as a reference for yourself. - The Export Actions command in the File menu exports the selected actions to a file that you can import later or on another Mac. You can also post the action export file on the forum or elsewhere to share it with others. - The Import Actions command in the File menu lets you select a saved action file and **imports the actions it contains into the current macro**. - Note that unlike import of Macros, import of Actions inserts the Actions in the currently selected Macro. It does NOT put these Actions into the Action List. ===== Plugin Actions ===== Keyboard Maestro also supports user-defined Actions, which are called **//Plug In Actions//**.\\ For details on creating, installing, and using, see * [Keyboard Maestro Documentation for Plug In Actions](/manual/Plug_In_Actions). * [Plug In Actions: How to Create, Post, Install ](https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/plug-in-actions-how-to-create-post-install/80) in the Keyboard Maestro Forum. ===== See Also ===== === Topics === * [[:Macro Groups|Macro Groups]] * [[:Text Fields|Text Fields]] * [[:Frequently Asked Questions|FAQ]] * [[:Fundamental Concepts]] === Triggers === * [[:Triggers|Triggers]] === Conditions === * [[:Conditions|See all Conditions]] === Functions === * [[:Functions|See all Functions]] === Tokens === * [[:Tokens|See all Tokens]] ==== Forum ==== - [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-find-all-uses-of-an-action/3626/2|[Feature Request?] Find all uses of an action]]