====== External Links ====== This page is intended to have a list of interesting third party links about Keyboard Maestro in no particular order. This page needs a lot of additions. * [Philippe Martin’s Tips and Tricks](http://flipmartin.net/software/tips-and-tricks-for-keyboard-maestro) * [The Brooks Review Keyboard Maestro Series](https://brooksreview.net/?s=Keyboard+Maestro) * [Smile Software’s article on the Secure Input issue](http://smilesoftware.com/textexpander/secureinput.html) * [Patrick Welker’s article on how to set up automatic syncing of macros](http://rocketink.net/2013/01/keyboard-maestro-sync.html) * [Dan Thomas’ Keyboard Maestro and scripting repository](https://github.com/dagware/DanThomas) * [David Spark’s Keyboard Maestro Field Guide](https://learn.macsparky.com/p/km).