====== Execute Shortcut ====== The //Execute Shortcut// (v10.1+) action executes a specified macOS Shortcut (macOS 12.0+). The Shortcut can optionally receive text input from the System or a Named Clipboard, the Trigger Clipboard, a Variable, Text, Calculation or a File. The results can be: {{page>include:ScriptOutput#}} If the output is going to a clipboard or a file, the results can be an image. (v11.0+) ===== See Also ===== === Actions === * [[action:Execute_a_Shell_Script|Execute a Shell Script]] * [[action:Execute_a_Swift_Script|Execute a Swift Script]] * [[action:Execute an AppleScript|Execute an AppleScript]] * [[action:Execute an Automator Workflow|Execute an Automator Workflow]] * [[action:Execute a JavaScript For Automation|Execute a JavaScript For Automation]] * [[action:Filter|Filter Variable with Expand Tilde In Path]] * [[:Actions|See all Actions]]