====== For Each Action ====== The *For Each* action loops over a set of [collections](:Collections) of items, setting a variable to each value and executing the contained actions. It is one of several Actions that _loop_ through a set of other Actions until some criteria is met. Whenever you need to deal with a list of things (lines, files, volumes, numbers, etc), the For Each action is a good place to start. ===== How To Use ===== - Add the //For Each// Action, from the //Control Flow// Category, to your macro - {{:action:km-editor-for-each-action.png?nolink|}} - {{:action:km-for-each-action-2.png?nolink|}} - Enter a variable or select from the pop-up at the end of the //For each// text area. * This variable will contain each item in the Collection list as the For Each Action loops * This can be a new or existing variable, as your needs dictate * You can then use or process this item as needed - Add a collection by clicking the green + button beside //New Collection// to select from a list of available collections. You can learn more about the available collections on the [[:Collections]] page. - When you choose a specific collection, further options may become available. - Add one or more actions into the //No Action// (which means no actions have been added yet) area. * These actions will operate on each item in the Collection that is stored in the Variable from Step #2 You can break out of the loop, retry this iteration, or skip to the next iteration with the [[actions:Redirect_Control_Flow|actions:Redirect Control Flow]] actions. There is an option in the action (gear) ⚙ menu to display the progress of the For Each action (v10.0+). ===== Examples ===== **Example #1: Split text into lines or substrings** {{:action:km-for-each-lines-example.png?nolink|}} For a complete macro using this Action, see [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/macro-file-process-lines-in-text-file/2936|MACRO: [FILE] Process Lines in Text File]] **Example #2: Get Capture Group for Multiple Matches** See [[:Regular Expressions#Examples|Regular Expressions (RegEx) Examples]] ===== See also ===== === Actions === * [[action:Pause_Until|Pause Until]] action * [[action:Repeat|Repeat]] action * [[action:Until|Until]] action * [[action:While|While]] action * [[action:Assert|Assert]] action * [[actions:Redirect_Control_Flow|Redirect Control Flow]] actions * [[:Actions|See all actions]] === Triggers === * [[trigger:Typed String|trigger:Typed String]] * [[:Triggers|See all triggers]] ==== Forum ==== - [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/text-filtering/2763/14|Text filtering]] - [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/microsoft-word-make-numbers-in-selectd-text-superscript-without-affecting-the-words/2895/4|Microsoft Word: Make numbers in selected text superscript without affecting the words]] - [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/macro-file-process-lines-in-text-file/2936|MACRO: [FILE] Process Lines in Text File]] - [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/for-each-item-difficulty-understanding-action/3162/2|For Each Item]]