====== Trigger Macro by Name Action ======
The //Trigger Macro by Name// action displays a Spotlight-like window, where you trigger execution of a Macro by searching for it, and then selecting it.
{{ action:km-7.2-trigger-macro-by-name-window.png?nolink |}}
Like the Mac Spotlight, it will search all of your active, enabled Macros whose name or contents contain what you type. It is a character search, so it will also find Macro names and words that contain what you type.
{{ trigger-macro-by-name.png?nolink&575x141 | File Name }}
===== How To Use for Triggering Macros =====
- Create the Trigger by Name Macro
- Create a new macro, in the Global Macro Group (so it will be available in all apps)
- Assign it a trigger (one suggestion is ⌘⌥⌃T)
- Insert the //Trigger Macro by Name// action.
- Optionally configure the initial search.
- Optionally allow inactive or disabled macros.
- Optionally restrict it to specified macros or macro groups.
- When you are ready to Trigger a Macro
- Like using any Macro, make sure you have any required app frontmost.
- Then, trigger the Trigger by Name Macro (the one you made in Step #1)
- The //**Trigger Macro by Name**// window will appear
- Type the search criteria
- As you type, the macro list will be filtered
- Continue to type until you see the macro of interest
- If the Macro you want is not highlighted, move to it with the arrow keys, or double-click on it.
The initial search can (v9.0+) include tokens.
==== To edit the selected macro ====
If you wish to open Keyboard Maestro directly to the selected macro rather than triggering it, use ⌥return or ⌥+click.
===== How To Filter the Search =====
If you would like to further restrict, or filter, the search, you can use qualifiers, or prefixes, to what you type, using these [[manual:Search_Strings|Search Strings]].
For example:
a:safari n:copy
would filter the list of Macros to those whose:
* Active application is "Safari"
* Macro name contains "copy"
For the complete list of available filters, see [[manual:Search_Strings|Search Strings]]
===== Passing Parameters =====
You can pass parameters (v8+) to the macro via the [[token:TriggerValue|%TriggerValue%]] token by adding `//` and then the parameter to your search string. The `//` and anything after that will be ignored in the search.
===== See Also =====
=== Actions ===
* [[:Actions|See all Actions]]
==== Topics ====
* [[:manual:Search Strings|Search Strings]]
==== Forum ====
- [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/limit-the-results-of-trigger-macro-by-name/4369/9|Limit the results of Trigger Macro by Name]]
- [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/search?q=Trigger%20Macro%20by%20Name%20Action|Keyboard Maestro Forum topics about Trigger Macro by Name Action]]