Various actions can stop or redirect control flow in the macro. They allow you to cancel this or other macros, or redirect control flow in or out of loops. Available options are: * Cancel All Macros — Cancel all macros that Keyboard Maestro Engine is currently executing. * Cancel All Other Macros — Cancel all macros except this macro instance. * Cancel This Macro — Cancel this macro and any macros that executed this macro. * Cancel Just This Macro — Cancel just this macro, continue executing the macro that [[action:Execute_a_Macro|executed]] this macro (use [[action:Return_from_Subroutine|Return from Subroutine]] for macros executed by [[action:Execute_a_Subroutine|Execute a Subroutine]]). * Cancel a Specific Macro (v9.0+) — Cancels a specific macro instance (from the [[token:ExecutingInstance|%ExecutingInstance%]] or [[token:ExecutingInstances|%ExecutingInstances%]] tokens). * Forum example: [How To Stop a Specific Instance of a Running Macro]( * [[|See another example here]]. * Note that the empty string, or the string “THIS” will cancel the currently executing macro. * Retry This Loop — Skip to the start of this loop and continue executing. * Continue Loop — Skip to the end of this loop and continue executing, possibly looping. * Break From Loop — Cancel execution of the current loop, continue executing after the loop Whichever action you choose you can still select one of the others from the pop-up menu. ===== See Also ===== ==== Actions ==== * [[action:If Then Else|If Then Else]] * [[action:Pause_Until|Pause Until]] * [[action:For_Each|For Each]] * [[action:Repeat|Repeat]] * [[action:Until|Until]] * [[action:While|While]] action * [[action:Assert|Assert]] * [[:Actions|See all Actions]] ==== Tokens ==== * [[token:ExecutingMacro|%ExecutingMacro%]] * [[token:ExecutingMacroGroup|%ExecutingMacroGroup%]] * [[token:ExecutingMacroUUID|%ExecutingMacroUUID%]] * [[token:ExecutingThisMacro|%ExecutingThisMacro%]] * [[token:ExecutingThisMacroUUID|%ExecutingThisMacroUUID%]] * [[token:ExecutingInstance|%ExecutingInstance%]] * [[token:ExecutingInstances|%ExecutingInstances%]] * [[:Tokens|See all Tokens]] ==== Topics ==== * [[manual:How do I#How do I cancel a running Macro|How do I cancel a running Macro]] * [[:Frequently Asked Questions|FAQ]] ==== Forum ==== - [[|Kill Switch]] - [[|Detect all running macros]] - [[ From Loop|Keyboard Maestro Forum topics about Break From Loop]]