====== MINUTE Function ====== The MINUTE([unixtime]) function returns the minutes (0-59) in the local time zone, either the current minutes, or the minutes of the specified [[:unixtime]]. MINUTE() === the current minutes MINUTE( unixtime ) === the minutes of the unix time ===== See Also ===== === Actions === * [[action:Filter|Filter]] (Process Text Tokens) * [[:Actions|See all Actions]] === Functions === * [[YEAR]] * [[MONTH]] * [[DAY]] * [[DOW]] * [[HOUR]] * [[MINUTE]] * [[SECOND]] * [[TIME]] * [[:Functions|See all Functions]] === Tokens === * [[token:ICUDateTime|%ICUDateTime%]] (local) * [[token:ICUDateTimeFor|%ICUDateTimeFor%]] (local) * [[token:ICUDateTimeMinus|%ICUDateTimeMinus%]] (local) * [[token:ICUDateTimePlus|%ICUDateTimePlus%]] (local) * [[token:LongDate|%LongDate%]] (local) * [[token:LongTime|%LongTime%]] (local) * [[token:NumberDate|%NumberDate%]] (local) * [[token:ShortDate|%ShortDate%]] (local) * [[token:ShortTime|%ShortTime%]] (local) * [[:Tokens|See all Tokens]] === Topics === - [[:Dates_and_Times|Dates and Times]] - [[:JulianDate|JulianDate]] - [[:unixtime]] in GMT ==== Forum ==== - [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/time-based-if-then/3405/2|Time-based If/Then]] - [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/search?q=MINUTE|Keyboard Maestro Forum topics about MINUTE function]]