====== WINDOW Function ====== The WINDOW() function returns the desired coordinate of the specified window, and can have one or two parameters. ====== Usage ====== - WINDOW(Coordinate) - WINDOW(Index, Coordinate) With two parameters, the first parameter specifies which window in the front application to operate on. With only one parameter, the *Index* is assumed to be the window of the Action in which the *WINDOW()* function is used (like the [[action:Manipulate_a_Window|Manipulate a Window]] action), or the frontmost window if the Action does not refer to a window. ====== Parameters ====== The first parameter, *Index*, which is optional, may be: * 0: the frontmost window of the frontmost app. * Positive Number: the indexed window from front to back. * Negative Number: the indexed window from back to front. The second parameter, `Coordinate`, specifies the desired *coordinate* to be returned, and can be: * Left * Right * Top * Bottom * Width * Height * MidX * MidY ====== See Also ====== ===== Actions ===== * [[action:Manipulate a Window|Manipulate a Window]] action * [[action:Move or Click Mouse|Move or Click Mouse]] action * [[action:Custom_HTML_Prompt|Custom HTML Prompt]] action * [[:Actions|See all Actions]] ===== Functions ===== * [[MENUBARHEIGHT]] * [[MOUSEBUTTON]] * [[MOUSEX]] * [[MOUSEY]] * [[SCREEN]] * [[SCREENCOUNT]] * [[SCREENVISIBLE]] * [[SCREENINDEX]] * [[WINDOWCOUNT]] * [[:Functions|See all Functions]] ===== Tokens ===== * [[:token:FrontWindowName|%FrontWindowName%]] token * [[:token:WindowName|%WindowName%]] token * [[token:WindowSize|%WindowSize%]] token * [[:Tokens|See all Tokens]] ===== Forum ===== - [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/send-the-front-most-window-to-back-bring-the-back-to-front/2226/19|Send the front most window to back? bring the back to front?]] - [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/i-need-a-conditional-if-there-are-two-monitors/3031/5|I need a conditional if there are two monitors]] - [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/search?q=WINDOW|Keyboard Maestro Forum topics about Window function]]