Style Guide

This Style Guide will document stylistic conventions to be followed on this wiki.

Unlike the forum or other places, the wiki represents an relatively official view of Stairways Software and Keyboard Maestro (subject to the fact that is not actually moderated only by Stairways Software). As such, it needs to be somewhat more formal.

Some stylistic guidelines:

Example Trigger page:

====== Focused Window Trigger ======
The //Focused Window trigger// (v7.0+) executes the macro when the selected option occurs.
Other info …
===== See Also =====
==== User Manual ====

* [[/User Manual]]

==== Triggers ====

* [[trigger:Hot_Key|Hot Key]]
* [[:Triggers|See all Triggers]]
==== Forum ====
- [[|Auto-close a window]]
Keywords/Synonyms:  Focussed Window

Example Function page:

====== MINUTE Function ======

The MINUTE([unixtime]) function returns the minutes (0-59) in the local time zone, either the current minutes, or the minutes of the specified [[:unixtime]].

	MINUTE() === the current minutes
	MINUTE( unixtime ) === the minutes of the unix time

===== See Also =====

=== Functions ===

* [[function:HOUR|HOUR]]
* [[:Functions|See all Functions]]

==== Forum ====

- [[|Time-based If/Then]]