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action:Execute_an_AppleScript [2023/09/12 23:04]
peternlewis [Using Keyboard Maestro Variables]
action:Execute_an_AppleScript [2025/02/27 01:45] (current)
peternlewis [Using Keyboard Maestro Variables]
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 ===== Using Keyboard Maestro Variables ===== ===== Using Keyboard Maestro Variables =====
-:!: **See [[:​AppleScript|Using AppleScript ​to Get and Set Keyboard Maestro ​Variables]] for best methods.**+Keyboard Maestro sets the environment variables for the script ​to include all (by default) your variables, using a prefix of `KMVAR_` ​and your variable name with spaces changed in to underscores (‗). For example, your Keyboard Maestro ​“File Name” variable will be available as the environment variable `KMVAR_File_Name`. By default, all variables are included, but you can limit which variables are included by using the popup menu next to the script (v11.0+). Note that these provide a readonly copy of the value of the variables when the script starts.
-Keyboard Maestro sets the environment variables for the script to include all your variablesusing a prefix of `KMVAR_` and your variable name with spaces changed in to underscores ​(). For example, your Keyboard Maestro ​“File Name” variable will be available as the environment variable `KMVAR_File_Name`.+Alsoyou can (7.1+access ​Keyboard Maestro ​variables directly like this:
-By default, all variables are included, but you can select No Variables, or specific variables as desired using the popup menu next to the script (v11.0+). +```applescript 
- +tell application "​Keyboard Maestro Engine"​ 
-In AppleScript with Keyboard Maestro Version 7.1+, you can tell the application "​Keyboard Maestro Engine" ​to: +    ​set v to getvariable ​"<KM Variable Name>" 
- +    setvariable ​"<KM Variable Name>" ​to "<New Value>
-    getvariable <KM Variable Name> +end tell 
-    setvariable <KM Variable Name> to <New Value>+```
 where both the `<KM Variable Name>` and `<New Value>` are text values. where both the `<KM Variable Name>` and `<New Value>` are text values.
-For example: +===== Local & Instance Variables =====
-<code applescript>​ +
-tell application "​Keyboard Maestro Engine"​ to set myVar to getvariable "My KM Variable"​ +
-**Using Keyboard Maestro ​Variables in a Shell Script from AppleScript**+To get or set [[manual:Variables#​Scope|Local or Instance Variables]],​ you must pass the macro execution instance to the `getvariable` or `setvariable` command. ​ The instance is passed ​in to your script via the `KMINSTANCE` environment variable (v8.0.3+).
-AppleScripts can access variables by using environment variables (using ​system attribute) or by talking to the Keyboard Maestro Engine. Note that AppleScript’s system attribute is not safe for international characters, although it can use code like:+```applescript 
 +set kmInst to system attribute ​"​KMINSTANCE"​ 
 +tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine
 + set v to getvariable "​Local__SomeLocalVariable"​ instance kmInst 
 + setvariable "​Local__FromAS"​ instance kmInst to "​Variable set in AppleScript." 
 +end tell
-<code applescript>​ +log v 
-set myVar to do shell script "echo $KMVAR_My_KM_Variable"​ +```
 ===== Error Handling ===== ===== Error Handling =====
action/Execute_an_AppleScript.1694574296.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/12 23:04 by peternlewis