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action:File_Actions [2023/09/12 23:38]
action:File_Actions [2024/11/10 01:42] (current)
peternlewis [How To Use]
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 ^ Option ^ Description ^ ^ Option ^ Description ^
 ^ Reveal | brings the Finder to the front with the file or folder selected. | ^ Reveal | brings the Finder to the front with the file or folder selected. |
-^ Create Unique File (v10.0+) | create a new unique file based on the path you supply, adjusting the basename ​to something unique, and returning the new file path in the specified variable. |+^ Create Unique File (v10.0+) | create a new unique file based on the path you supply, adjusting the base name to something unique, and returning the new file path in the specified variable. |
 ^ Move (v11.0+) | moves a file or folder. | ^ Move (v11.0+) | moves a file or folder. |
 ^ Rename (v11.0+) | renames a file or folder. | ^ Rename (v11.0+) | renames a file or folder. |
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 ^ Copy | copies a file or folder. You must specify a name and location for the copy.\\ Since this requires a destination for the copy, if you want to just copy the file to the Clipboard, see [MACRO: ​  ​Choose File and Copy It [Example]](https://​​t/​choose-file-and-copy-it-example-macro-v9-0-2/​15581) | ^ Copy | copies a file or folder. You must specify a name and location for the copy.\\ Since this requires a destination for the copy, if you want to just copy the file to the Clipboard, see [MACRO: ​  ​Choose File and Copy It [Example]](https://​​t/​choose-file-and-copy-it-example-macro-v9-0-2/​15581) |
 ^ Duplicate | duplicates a file within the same folder and adds // copy// to the filename. | ^ Duplicate | duplicates a file within the same folder and adds // copy// to the filename. |
-^ Trash | moves a file or folder to the Trash from where it can easily be recovered. ​|+^ Trash | moves a file or folder to the Trash (on remote volumes, the system may immediately delete the file) |
 ^ Delete File | deletes a file (but not a folder) with no warnings or confirmation messages. The file is deleted and not moved to the Trash. Be careful with this action. | ^ Delete File | deletes a file (but not a folder) with no warnings or confirmation messages. The file is deleted and not moved to the Trash. Be careful with this action. |
 ^ Delete Directory | Be **extremely careful** with this action as it deletes the folder and all its contents with no warnings or confirmation messages. | ^ Delete Directory | Be **extremely careful** with this action as it deletes the folder and all its contents with no warnings or confirmation messages. |
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 If you specify a folder in the _to_ field (eg `~/​Documents/​SomeFolder`),​ the file will be moved to the specified folder. If you specify a folder in the _to_ field (eg `~/​Documents/​SomeFolder`),​ the file will be moved to the specified folder.
-If you specify a file name (without any slash `/`) (eg `NewName.jpg`),​ then file file will be renamed.+If you specify a file name (without any slash `/`) (eg `NewName.jpg`),​ then the file will be renamed.
 If you specify a full path to a new location with a new name (optionally the same name) (eg `~/​Documents/​SomeFolder/​SomeName.jpg`),​ then the file will be moved and renamed. If you specify a full path to a new location with a new name (optionally the same name) (eg `~/​Documents/​SomeFolder/​SomeName.jpg`),​ then the file will be moved and renamed.
action/File_Actions.1694576291.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/09/12 23:38 by peternlewis