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action:Get_a_URL [2023/09/18 01:16]
peternlewis [Output of Results]
action:Get_a_URL [2024/11/25 00:02] (current)
peternlewis [Output of Results]
Line 11: Line 11:
 {{page>​include:​ScriptOutput#​}} {{page>​include:​ScriptOutput#​}}
-You can (v9.0+) include a parameter if desired.+You can (v9.0+) include a parameter if desired. The Gear menu controls what characters of the parameter(s) are encoded. For `Percent Encode Parameter Fields` (the default), all characters other than `=` and `&` (and letters and digits) are percent encoded. For `Percent Encode Parameter`, all characters (other than letters and digits) are percent encoded.
-If the output is going to a clipboard, the downloaded data can be an image.+If the output is going to a clipboard ​or a file, the downloaded data can be an image.
 ===== See Also ===== ===== See Also =====
action/Get_a_URL.1695014188.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/09/18 01:16 by peternlewis