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action:Record_Quick_Macro [2017/03/14 05:10]
action:Record_Quick_Macro [2017/09/28 23:04] (current)
peternlewis [Examples]
Line 38: Line 38:
   -Click in the middle of the first word   -Click in the middle of the first word
   -Press **[CTRL] + [F1]** //to start quick recording//   -Press **[CTRL] + [F1]** //to start quick recording//
-  -Press **[OPT] + [◀]** //to go to the start of the work// +  -Press **[OPT] + [◀]** //to go to the start of the word// 
-  -Type **["​]** ​ //add a quote mark at start of work//+  -Type **["​]** ​ //add a quote mark at start of word//
   -Press **[OPT] + [▶]** ​ //go to end of word//   -Press **[OPT] + [▶]** ​ //go to end of word//
   -Type **["​]** ​ //add a quote mark at end of word//   -Type **["​]** ​ //add a quote mark at end of word//
Line 46: Line 46:
 Now click in the middle of each remaining word and press **[OPT] + [F1]**. Now click in the middle of each remaining word and press **[OPT] + [F1]**.
 Enabling key repeat will repeat the playback of the recorded macro while you hold the hot key down. Enabling key repeat will repeat the playback of the recorded macro while you hold the hot key down.
action/Record_Quick_Macro.1489482616.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/14 05:10 by peternlewis