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The Search the Web action has Keyboard Maestro ask you for a search term and then searches a specified web site (by default Google).

When you run the action an input window appears on screen containing placeholder or default text. Type your search term into the input window and press Return. Keyboard Maestro opens the default browser and searches for the search term. Results are displayed in the default browser.

Enter a Title for the action in the Title text area. By default Keyboard Maestro fills the title area for you with the words: Search the web with Google.

Enter a search string in the URL text area. By default Keyboard Maestro searches Google and fills the URL text area for you with the string: http:⁄⁄

Enter any default text to be used in the Default area. If you don’t enter any text here then the input window displays the title in grey. Anything you type replaces everything displayed in gray. If you enter default text then that is displayed in the input window and selected. To replace the text just start typing or to add to it press the left or right cursor arrow key to move to the start or end and add further text.

action/Search_the_Web.1436168003.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/06 03:33 by mirazjordan