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assistance:Secure_Input_Problem [2024/06/05 23:35]
assistance:Secure_Input_Problem [2024/08/12 23:07] (current)
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 Note that there is nothing Keyboard Maestro can do to “work around” Secure Input Mode - it is a system security feature that has been erroneously left on. Keyboard Maestro can detect and report it, but it can no more work around the problem than it could bypass any other security features of macOS. Note that there is nothing Keyboard Maestro can do to “work around” Secure Input Mode - it is a system security feature that has been erroneously left on. Keyboard Maestro can detect and report it, but it can no more work around the problem than it could bypass any other security features of macOS.
-There is a [[https://​​t/​disable-secure-input/​2410|forum topic]] on the subject and the Smile Software folks have a [very good page](​secureinput.html) on this subject (as it affects TextExpander similarly to Keyboard Maestro) which lists a lot of possible causes, including:+There is a [[https://​​t/​disable-secure-input/​2410|forum topic]] on the subject and the Smile Software folks have a [very good page]( on this subject (as it affects TextExpander similarly to Keyboard Maestro) which lists a lot of possible causes, including:
 * 1Password * 1Password
assistance/Secure_Input_Problem.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/12 23:07 by peternlewis