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documentation:Whats_New [2016/05/20 05:51]
peternlewis created
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-====== What’s New? ====== 
-===== 7.1.1 ===== 
-* [[action:​Group|Group]],​ [[action:​Until|Until]],​ [[action:​While|While]] actions focus on the contained action list when inserted/​disclosed. 
-* Optimizations to drop simple text expansion macros size by 30%, down to 160 bytes. 
-* Ensure Creation/​Modification time is set when macro groups / macros are created. 
-* Add Split/​List/​Loop as search matches for [[action:​For_Each|For Each]] action. 
-* Add Wait as search matches for [[/​Home_Page?​do=search&​id=Pause+ns%3Aaction|Pause actions]]. 
-* Add Pause as search matches for [[/​Home_Page?​do=search&​id=Wait+ns%3Aaction|Wait for Browser actions]]. 
-* Add Say as search matches for [[action:​Speak_Text|Speak Text]] action. 
-* Add Split as search matches for [[collection:​Substrings_In|Substrings In]] collection. 
-* Fixed bug with [[trigger:​Periodic|Periodic trigger]] units. 
-* Fixed bug with [[:​Found_Image|finding images on screen]]. 
-===== 7.1 ===== 
-COMPATIBILITY NOTE: [[trigger:​Folder|Folder Trigger]] now sets [[token:​TriggerValue|%TriggerValue%]] to the full path. Adjust macros to account for this. 
-COMPATIBILITY NOTE: [[action:​Search Variable|Search Variable]]/​[[action:​Search Clipboard|Clipboard]] actions now fail if the match fails. Adjust actions to disable aborting/​notification when the match fails if desired, ensuring you handle the case where the target variables are not modified by the action. 
-* New [[action:​Execute a JavaScript in Custom Prompt|Execute a JavaScript in Custom Prompt]] action. 
-* Added timeout to [[action:​Custom HTML Prompt|Custom HTML Prompt]]. 
-* Added window.KeyboardMaestro.Trigger( macro, value ) to [[action:​Custom HTML Prompt|Custom HTML Prompt]]. 
-* Clear HTML Result Button variable when [[action:​Custom HTML Prompt|Custom HTML Prompt]] starts. 
-* [[action:​Custom HTML Prompt|Custom HTML Prompt]] can autofocus on textareas. 
-* [[action:​Custom HTML Prompt|Custom HTML Prompt]] added call to KMDidShowWindow(). 
-* Added Paste Above. 
-* Use custom icon for Macro Group Icon Palettes. 
-* Detect and report Secure Input Mode process. 
-* Detect and report idiotic "Allow JavaScript from Apple Events"​. 
-* Added support for configurable Safari and Chrome applications. 
-* Added an option to Set Variable to Text to disable backslash or text token processing. 
-* Added AppleScript setvariable/​getvariable commands, primarily for JXA. 
-* Allow action timeouts of hundredths of a second. 
-* Editor now quits the Engine on launch if all modifiers are held down.  
-* Imported macros are now disabled if all modifers are held down. 
-* Search Variable/​Clipboard actions now fail if the match fails. 
-* Save revisions even if Keyboard Maestro editor was open over night. 
-* Adjusted non-recursive [[action:​For Each|For Each]] Path in Folder to read the entire folder at the start. 
-* Adjusted short trigger display for arrows and Page Up/Down. 
-* Adjusted Pixel condition a little. 
-* Allow Share to Forum of macros with , or ; in their name. 
-* Allow %Variable%<​space>​Variable Name<​space>​%. 
-* Allow Max Concealed Position of 1. 
-* Allow text tokens in the Press Button action. 
-* Performance improvements in some editing cases. 
-* Remove white popup menu hover bug in El Capitan by default. 
-* Fixed display of [[action:​Move or Click Mouse|Move Mouse]], Found Image title text field. 
-* Fixed variable popup in Write/​Append text to file editor. 
-* Fixed Variable selector popup not working in Find Image action. 
-* Verify code signing of version control update file. 
-* Use HTTPS for all wiki linked help. 
-* Use HTTPS for all version control, feedback, crash reporting, etc. 
-* Use HTTPS for all documentation and web site links. 
-* Make Click Link operate asynchronously. 
-* Avoid excessive slowdown while typing in Set Variable to Browser Field action editor. 
-* Fixed a crashing issue with finding images on screen. 
-* Fixed a crashing issue with undo. 
-* Fixed restoring selection issue with undo. 
-* Fixed a potential bug that can corrupt variable types in the [[action:​Custom HTML Prompt|Custom HTML Prompt]] action. 
-* Fixed handling of Escape in Share to Forum sheet. 
-===== 7.0.3 ===== 
-* Fixed a crash in getting Keyboard Layout Icons. 
-* Fixed an issue with Conflict Palettes with more than one column. 
-* Worked around (again) Mail AppleScript bug that breaks Send Mail Message with attachments. 
-* Added help to the Insert Action menu (when holding the Option key). 
-* Changed Execute Macro with Parameter to tokenize its parameter. 
-===== 7.0.2 ===== 
-* Extended variable character set to allow all unicode letters and digits. 
-* Extended Set Keyboard Layout to include input methods (eg Hiragana, Pinyin, etc). 
-* Support AppleScript '​variable "​X"​ exists'​ facility. 
-* Support text completion for coordinate text (eg v.left). 
-* Added Execute Macro to Keyboard Maestro action list category. 
-* Added AutomaticCompletion preference to disable auto completion. 
-* Fixed a crash in the editor when you turned off editing mode. 
-* Fixed an issue where the engine quit when the editor was launched. 
-* Fixed an issue where macro groups could be active when the palette was not showing. 
-* Fixed an issue with the Folder Trigger triggering when another Folder Trigger fires. 
-* Fixed Pixel condition for "is less blue than" 
-* Fixed issue with some two character systems and entering macro names. 
-* Fixed an issue where Center window was centering on the main screen. 
-* Fixed a potential issue with Set Variable to Web Browser Field. 
-* Fixed non-edit display of some Write to File formats. 
-* Fixed maximum opacity issue in switchers. 
-* Removed On/Off from tooltips in toggle buttons. 
-* Reduce NSRunningApplication logging. 
-* Allow Share to Forum of macros with / in their name. 
-* Worked around more NSRunningApplication issues. 
-* Worked around a bug in Mail/OS X 10.11 affecting the Send Mail Message and leave open. 
-* Hacked around a bug in Mail/OS X 10.11 affecting the Send Mail Message with attachments. 
-* Ensure clipboard issues debugging window stays visible. 
-===== 7.0.1 ===== 
-* Allow 10.10.0-2, with a warning about Yosemite bugs. 
-* New Safari/​Google Chrome Tab now works if there are no windows open. 
-* Added Gemmell Purple palette style. 
-* Add control over notification of timeout failures. 
-* Turn gear icon blue if there is a note attached to the action. 
-* Support opening .kmaction files to add it to the current macro. 
-* Support Option-Return/​Enter in Trigger Macro by Name to edit the macro. 
-* Fixed a crash when you switch the Screen Capture area to "​Area"​. 
-* Fixed a crash when editing the theme style of a macro group with no macros. 
-* Fixed a crash and other issues with the Folder Changed trigger. 
-* Fixed Wireless trigger multiple firing issue. 
-* Fixed Application "All Applications"​ trigger to only trigger for foreground applications. 
-* Fixed the Copy/Cut actions, not waiting long enough. 
-* Fixed the Copy to Named Clipboard action, not waiting long enough. 
-* Fixed Escape doing Get instead of Cancel on the Share to Forum sheet. 
-* Fixed use of user locale for %ShortDate% et al tokens. 
-* Fixed web server custom.css MIME type set to text/css. 
-* Fixed multiline text fields in plugin action editors. 
-* Fixed a problem with clipboard history in Word 2016. 
-* Fixed non-edit display of hot key tapped twice trigger. 
-* Fixed gear menu icon to update when the action was not disclosed. 
-* Fixed Undo while search field is selected to apply only to the search field. 
-* Fixed Find Image action to return the full results (left,​top,​width,​height,​fuzz). 
-* Fixed Set Color of actions on first control click to have color swatches. 
-* Changed Share to Forum to use PNG instead of TIFF. 
-* ChangedShare to Forum to post by https. 
-* Worked around system bug with GetProcessForPID that affected activating applications. 
-* Cleaned up some application handling code. 
-* Detect possible re-entrant call to load macros. 
-===== 7.0 ===== 
-==== Editor Improvements ==== 
-* Added Smart Groups. 
-* Added Insert Action by Name. 
-* Added autocomplete of text tokens, functions, variables and search tokens. 
-* Added Insert Action menu to Edit menu. 
-* Added disclosure folding for sub-action lists. 
-* Added action menu and contextual menu to macro actions. 
-* Added option to rename actions. 
-* Added color option to actions. 
-* Added note option to actions. 
-* Added control over Abort on Failure of actions. 
-* Added control over Notification on Failure of actions. 
-* Added Sort by Date Created; Use Count; Time Saved. 
-* Added Paste Above to action/​contextual menu. 
-* Added Help link to action/​contextual menu. 
-* Added Help link when option-selecting triggers/​actions/​functions/​tokens/​collections/​conditions. 
-* Added status line below Macro Groups and Macro columns. 
-* Added Get/Go buttons to Mouse Click action. 
-* Added Macro Inspector window. 
-* Added Mouse Display window. 
-* Added Share button to main editor window. 
-* Share macros or actions directly to the forum. 
-* Added Import/​Export of sets of actions. 
-* Changed search in editor to support words and quoted phrases. 
-* Changed search to support group:, app:, universal:, all:, enabled:. 
-* Highlight found triggers and actions in editor. 
-* Changed error display to only orange if the issue is an invalid variable value. 
-* Used/​Backward/​Forward/​History macro history buttons. 
-* Improved display of toggle buttons (eg Modifiers/​Days of the Week). 
-* Honor user's locale setting for First Day of the Week. 
-* Require Command-Delete to delete Macros Groups and Macro Groups. 
-* Added Deselect All in the Edit menu. 
-* Added Enter Action and Parent Action in the Edit menu. 
-* Single click on a selected item deselects other items. 
-* Sort the trigger list, conditions list and collection list. 
-* Limited the size of the Undo stack in the editor. 
-* Changed Insert Token and Function menus to be hierarchical. 
-* Add an "All Macros"​ entry in the macro selector popup macro. 
-* If you delete a macro, macro group or action, the following item is selected. 
-==== Themed Palette Styles ==== 
-* Lots of different color styles. 
-* Control style, size, columns, opacity. 
-* Control whether the icon, text or trigger is shown. 
-* Control whether the palette shrinks to an icon when not in use. 
-==== Macro Additions ==== 
-* Added Macro Groups available in Focussed Window Macro Group targeting. 
-* Added Macro Groups available when applications are or are not running. 
-* Added Focussed Window Changed Trigger. 
-* Added Folder Changed Trigger. 
-* Added Clipboard Changed Trigger. 
-* Added Sleep Trigger. 
-* Added support for double tap, triple tap, etc, Hot Key triggers. 
-* Added support for double tap, triple tap, etc, Device Key triggers. 
-* Added Custom HTML Prompt action. 
-* Added Switch/Case Action. 
-* Added Group Action. 
-* Added Execute Javascript for Automation (JXA) action. 
-* Added Execute Swift Script action. 
-* Added Simulate Hardware Key action. 
-* Added Type Modifier Key action. 
-* Added Set Action Delay action to control various speeds. 
-* Added Mark Macro action to mark/unmark status menu and palette icons. 
-* Added option to Press and Hold/Repeat keys, modifiers or hardware keys. 
-* Added option to Press and Hold mouse buttons. 
-* Added Swift and Javascript for Automation to Script Condition. 
-* Added Found Image on Screen collection to For Each action. 
-* Added explicit Area option to Screen Capture action. 
-* Added Screen Area limits for Found Image searches. 
-* Added Any Window Title condition. 
-* Added Set Keyboard Layout action. 
-* Added Conceal/​Reveal All Palettes actions. 
-* Added Cut/​Copy/​Paste actions. CutCopy wait for the clipboard to change. 
-* Added Content Type/Kind, and Where From attributes to Get File Attribute. 
-* Added Added Date, Downloaded Date, Last Used Date attributes to Get File Attribute. 
-* Added Finder Comment to Get/Set File Attribute. 
-* Added Invisible to Get/Set File Attribute. 
-* Added Open 1Password Bookmark action. 
-* Added SECUREINPUT() function. 
-* Added CONCEALEDPALETTES() function. 
-* Added MENUBARHEIGHT() function. 
-* Added SCREENVISIBLE() function. 
-* Added %ScreenVisible% text token. 
-* Added %MacroNameForUUID%UUID% text token. 
-* Added Macro/Macro Group enabled/​disabled/​active/​inactive condition. 
-* Added specific area option to Capture Screen Image action. 
-* Added Always Nominal Resolution option to Capture Screen Image action. 
-* Added option to exclude errors (STDERR) from script output. 
-* Added option to mouse action to allow drag destination to be absolute. 
-* Added filter to quote for AppleScript,​ Shell Script, JavaScript and Swift. 
-* Added filter to Percent Decode URLs. 
-* Added filter to get the value of a Named Variable or Named Clipboard. 
-* Added "with parameter"​ option for Execute Macro action. 
-* Allow Text Tokens in variable name of Set Variable to actions. 
-* Allow Text Tokens in Select Menu Item. 
-* Allow Text Tokens and menu paths (Edit->​Copy) in Menu Condition. 
-==== Engine Additions ==== 
-* Added optional Paste menu to Status Menu (with Paste Plain (shift) and Set-only (option)). 
-* Added kmtrigger: URL Scheme trigger (with parameter). 
-* Expand default clipboard history to 200 items. 
-* Added some clipboard flavor exclusions that cause problems in Word 2011 reading EBMS flavors. 
-* Added some clipboard flavor exclusions that cause problems in Word 2016 reading OLE LINK flavors. 
-* Added .width and .height in variables with only two entries (eg "​123,​456"​). 
-* Added .fuzz option to calculations (specifically for the Found Image collection). 
-* Restrict environment variable size of variables to 100k. 
-* Variables whose names start with "​ENV‗"​ override regular environment variables (eg "​ENV‗PATH"​). 
-* Added "with parameter"​ option for AppleScript "do script"​ triggered macros. 
-* Added parameter option for Web Server triggered macros. 
-* Palette and Status Menu triggered macros report the modifiers in the TriggerValue token. 
-* Default recorded mouse clicks to not restoring the mouse location. 
-* Added an implicit semaphore at the start of a quick recorded macro. 
-* Added option for Conflict Palette to appear under the mouse. 
-* Added option for Macro Group palettes to appear under the mouse. 
-* Added option to Application Switcher to allow switching only one window. 
-* Added Display Large option to execute and display text actions. 
-* Added AppleEvent to retrieve all the macro groups/​macros even the inactive ones. 
-* Updated Trigger Macro By Name window. 
-* Updated Web Search window. 
-==== Editor Minor Changes ==== 
-* Allow up to 9999 Seconds/​Minutes/​Hours in Periodic Trigger. 
-* Added link to Keyboard Maestro Wiki in the Help menu. 
-* Added link to Regular Expression Unicode Properties reference in the Help menu. 
-* Search Variable/​Clipboard results show if the captured data includes more text than displayed. 
-* Added information to empty web browser action insertion menus. 
-* Wireless Network trigger can now fill in wifi text field. 
-* Added Insert Text by Typing variant to action selector. 
-* Added Click at Found Image variant to action selector. 
-* Preserve leading spaces in non-edit script display. 
-* Better preserving of selection when compiling AppleScripts. 
-* Changing Write File format while holding the option key disables changing the extension. 
-* Added a cache of rich text for compiled scripts to avoid needing to recompile them. 
-* Updated Or by Script to include JavaScript and Swift, as well as optional parameters. 
-==== Minor Changes ==== 
-* Fixed system rewriting h to H in ICUDateTime formats. 
-* Fix Yosemite NSSpeechSynthesizer bug that stops Speak Text working properly. 
-* Removed defunct Fix Finder Selection Bug fixed in Yosemite. 
-* Removed offline Help. 
-* Added SequentialConflictPalette hidden preference. 
-* Dropped the recording manual pause time from 1.0 down to 0.25 seconds. 
-* Increased the limit on Typed String triggers to 100 characters. 
-* Added hidden preference to stop mouse clicks from zapping the typed string buffer. 
-* When referencing applications or system preferences,​ references are stored relative to the home directory if appropriate. 
-* The actions list becomes focussed when it is closed and contained the focus. 
-* Added DetailDisplayExtraStyle hidden preference. 
-* Added ReportUpdatesWhenEditorActivates hidden preference. 
-* Cut/Copy to Named Clipboard action waits until the clipboard changes. 
-* Use Notification Center instead of Growl for most notifications. 
-* Added hidden preferences to control Notification Center displays. 
-* Limit clipboard flavor sizes to 10MB (with hidden preference). 
-* Play various sounds as System Sounds so they honour the "Play sound effects"​ preference. 
-* Added accessibility support to Application and Window Switchers. 
-* Changed Conflict Palette to prefer alphabetical hot keys including digits over index hot keys. 
-* Changed MOD/​AND/​OR/​etc to take precedence over variable names so Variable MOD Variable works. 
-==== Bug Fixes ===== 
-* Fixed spelling of height in Get Image Size action. 
-* Fixed a possible race condition with "one action"​ macro palettes. 
-* Fixed a case where the "Must be unique"​ checkbox could be difficult to click. 
-* Restrict split view resizing to clicks that are near the divider. 
-* Corrected TRIGGERTIME() to be relative to 1970 epoch. 
-* Support lowercase pi character in calculations. 
-* Issues with shifted characters in emulators/​remote desktops might be resolved. 
-* Handle surrogate pairs in non-edit/​HTML displays. 
-* Fixed Macro Group Disabled/​Enabled display toggle when many toggles happen quickly. 
-* Fixed a potential crash when looking for buttons in applications with poor accessibility support. 
-* Fixed an issue where the Execute Macro action could refuse to set the macro. 
-* Fixed flashing focus ring for text views. 
-* Fixed a possible crash when setting a hot key. 
-* Fixed %Screen%Front%,​ %Screen%Back%,​ %Screen%Back2%,​ %Screen%Mouse%. 
documentation/Whats_New.1463737888.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/20 05:51 by peternlewis