a : 3 }` is not valid, it must be `{ "a" : 3 }`.
Decimal numbers may be processed by the system JSON APIs,... oating point, and floating point cannot store all decimal numbers with full fidelity. For example, if varia... ed precision when dealing with JSON values, avoid decimal numbers.
Although `3` and `"a"` are technically
values in Keyboard Maestro allow only “full stop” decimal (.) and no thousand separators (except optional u... [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/round-to-1-decimal-place/3001/2|Round to 1 decimal place]]
- [[https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/how-to-create-an-if-else-c
e commas for this purpose, and full stops (.) for decimal numbers, and never use any thousands separators, ... | factorial, percent, degrees. |
Numbers are in decimal by default, but may use base 16 if they start wit
ither one of these specific localized formats:
* Decimal
* Currency
* Percent
* Scientific
* Ordinal
* Cur... values in Keyboard Maestro allow only “full stop” decimal (.) and no thousand separators (except optional u