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function:WORDS [2016/06/21 23:32]
peternlewis created
function:WORDS [2023/09/20 04:33] (current)
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-The WORDS function takes an arbitrary [token text](https://​​Tokens) string, processes the text tokens, and then returns the number of characters in the string.+====== ​WORDS Function======
-    ​WORDS(%CurrentClipboard%)+The WORDS(tfunction takes an arbitrary [[:​Tokens|token text]] string, processes the text tokens, and then returns the number of words in the string.
 +    WORDS(%SystemClipboard%)
 +===== Example =====
 +===== See Also =====
 +=== Actions ===
 +* [[action:​Set Variable to Calculation|Set Variable to Calculation Action]]
 +* [[:​Actions|See all Actions]]
 +=== Functions ===
 +* [[function:​CALCULATE|CALCULATE]]
 +* [[function:​LINES|LINES]]
 +* [[:​Functions|See all Functions]]
 +==== Forum ====
 +- [[https://​​search?​q=WORDS|Keyboard Maestro Forum topics about WORDS() function]]
function/WORDS.1466566331.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/21 23:32 by peternlewis