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manual:Assistance [2017/08/21 23:10]
peternlewis 8
manual:Assistance [2024/05/21 00:09]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Assistance ====== ====== Assistance ======
-NYI+If you have any problems writing macros, you can get help from a number of places. 
 +* This [[:​User_Manual|User Manual]] describes the basics of using the Keyboard Maestro editor. 
 +* The Tutorial will show you how to create a simple macros. ​ You can start the Tutorial by choosing the [[Menus#​Tutorial|Help ➤ Tutorial menu]]. 
 +* The [[Quick_Start|Quick Start]] describes the components of Keyboard Maestro and how they work together, and it is important to understand these basics to get the most out of Keyboard Maestro. 
 +* The [[:​Home_Page|Wiki]] includes lots of information on all aspects of Keyboard Maestro. 
 +* The [[:​Forum|Forum]] is a great place to ask for help with macros. 
 +* Each action in Keyboard Maestro includes a Help option in the BUTTON{{{⚙}}} menu at the top right of the action. 
 +* Holding down the option key while choosing from any of the Insert menus in the [[Menus#​Edit|Edit menu]] will get you help on [[Macro_Actions|actions]],​ [[Calculations#​Functions |functions]],​ or [[Tokens|tokens]]. 
 +* Holding down the option key while choosing from the new trigger menu will get you help on the [[Macro_Triggers|triggers]]. 
 +* Holding down the option key while choosing from the new condition menu will get you help on the [[Conditions|conditions]]. 
 +* Holding down the option key while choosing from the new collection menu will get you help on the [[Collections |collections]]. 
 +And last but not least, you can ask Keyboard Maestro itself for assistance by choosing [[Menus#​Interactive_Help|Help ➤  Interactive Help menu]]. 
 +In particular, the Interactive Help window can help you: 
 +* if something is happening that you do not expect — Keyboard Maestro can show you what it is doing. 
 +* if a macro is not doing anything — Keyboard Maestro can help you to learn why. 
manual/Assistance.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/21 00:09 by peternlewis