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manual:Features [2017/08/21 22:42]
peternlewis [Triggers]
manual:Features [2019/06/13 02:48]
peternlewis v9
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 [[Macro Groups]] allow you to organize your macros. Think of them as folders of macros. Each Macro Group controls when the macros it contains are active. A [[Macros|Macro]] is made of two parts: a set of [[Macro Triggers|Triggers]] you choose to determine when the macro is executed and a list of [[Macro Actions|Actions]] that define what the macro does when it is executed. [[Macro Groups]] allow you to organize your macros. Think of them as folders of macros. Each Macro Group controls when the macros it contains are active. A [[Macros|Macro]] is made of two parts: a set of [[Macro Triggers|Triggers]] you choose to determine when the macro is executed and a list of [[Macro Actions|Actions]] that define what the macro does when it is executed.
-By creating macros, you can customize your Mac to suit your use, streamline tedious tasks, and remove opportunities for mistakes by automating repetitive jobs.  Make a stuburnly ​difficult applications ​behvave ​the way you want them to; press a key and have the computer do the next minute worth of tedious tasks for you; type a few characters and have a page full of boilerplate text appear; and so much more.  Soon you'll wonder how you could have used your Mac without Keyboard Maestro.+By creating macros, you can customize your Mac to suit your use, streamline tedious tasks, and remove opportunities for mistakes by automating repetitive jobs.  Make stubbornly ​difficult applications ​behave ​the way you want them to; press a key and have the computer do the next minute worth of tedious tasks for you; type a few characters and have a page full of boilerplate text appear; and so much more.  Soon youll wonder how you could have used your Mac without Keyboard Maestro.
 Here are some of the primary features of Keyboard Maestro. Here are some of the primary features of Keyboard Maestro.
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 ===== General ===== ===== General =====
 +* Use Dark Mode or Light Mode (10.14+).
 * Sync your macros across multiple Macs using DropBox or other file sharing systems. * Sync your macros across multiple Macs using DropBox or other file sharing systems.
 * Trigger macros by key, typed string, menu, by name, remotely, via MIDI, and more. * Trigger macros by key, typed string, menu, by name, remotely, via MIDI, and more.
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 * Macros can be triggered by one or more [[Macro Triggers]] using any number of the following: * Macros can be triggered by one or more [[Macro Triggers]] using any number of the following:
   * [[/​trigger/​Hot_Key|Hot Key trigger]] – when you press, hold, release or multi-tap a key.   * [[/​trigger/​Hot_Key|Hot Key trigger]] – when you press, hold, release or multi-tap a key.
-  * [[/trigger/Macro_Palette|Macro Palette trigger]] – with a click on a context sensitive Macro~~Palette.+  * [[/trigger/Global_Macro_Palette|Global ​Macro Palette trigger]] – with a click on a context sensitive Macro~~Palette.
   * [[/​trigger/​Status_Menu|Status Menu trigger]] – by selecting from a global system status menu.   * [[/​trigger/​Status_Menu|Status Menu trigger]] – by selecting from a global system status menu.
   * [[/​trigger/​Typed_String|Typed String trigger]] – type a string of keys.   * [[/​trigger/​Typed_String|Typed String trigger]] – type a string of keys.
   * [[/​trigger/​Application|Application trigger]] – on launch, quit, activate, deactivate, or periodically while an application is running or active.   * [[/​trigger/​Application|Application trigger]] – on launch, quit, activate, deactivate, or periodically while an application is running or active.
-  * [[/trigger/Audio_Output| Audio Output Changed trigger]] – whenever your audio output device changes. +  * [[/trigger/Audio_Output_Changed|Audio Output Changed trigger]] – whenever your audio output device changes. 
-  * [[/trigger/Clipboard|Clipboard trigger]] – when the system clipboard changes.+  * [[/trigger/Clipboard_Changed|Clipboard ​Changed ​trigger]] – when the system clipboard changes.
   * [[/​trigger/​Clipboard_Filter|Clipboard Filter trigger]] – select macros from the clipboard switchers.   * [[/​trigger/​Clipboard_Filter|Clipboard Filter trigger]] – select macros from the clipboard switchers.
   * [[/​trigger/​Cron| Cron trigger]] – periodically based on time or day or date.   * [[/​trigger/​Cron| Cron trigger]] – periodically based on time or day or date.
 +  * [[/​trigger/​Dragged_File| Dragged File trigger]] – trigger when a file is dragged onto the macro in a palette icon.
 +  * [[/​trigger/​Display_Layout_Changed| Display Layout Changed trigger]] – trigger when the display layout changes.
   * [[/​trigger/​Engine_Launch|Engine Launch trigger]] – when the Keyboard Maestro engine launches.   * [[/​trigger/​Engine_Launch|Engine Launch trigger]] – when the Keyboard Maestro engine launches.
   * [[/​trigger/​Focused_Window|Focused Window trigger]] – when the front/​focused window changes.   * [[/​trigger/​Focused_Window|Focused Window trigger]] – when the front/​focused window changes.
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   * [[/​trigger/​Remote|Remote trigger]] – when you access a link on our trigger server.   * [[/​trigger/​Remote|Remote trigger]] – when you access a link on our trigger server.
   * [[/​trigger/​Sleep|Sleep trigger]] – when the system goes to sleep.   * [[/​trigger/​Sleep|Sleep trigger]] – when the system goes to sleep.
-  * [[/trigger/Time|Time trigger]] – at a particular time of day.+  * [[/trigger/Time_of_Day|Time of Day trigger]] – at a particular time of day.
   * [[/​trigger/​USB_Device_Key|USB Device Key trigger]] – when you press, hold, release or multi-tap any HID (Human Interface Device) device key.   * [[/​trigger/​USB_Device_Key|USB Device Key trigger]] – when you press, hold, release or multi-tap any HID (Human Interface Device) device key.
   * [[/​trigger/​USB_Device|USB Device trigger]] – when a USB device is attached or detached.   * [[/​trigger/​USB_Device|USB Device trigger]] – when a USB device is attached or detached.
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   * [[/​trigger/​Script|Script trigger]] – from an AppleScript or other script.   * [[/​trigger/​Script|Script trigger]] – from an AppleScript or other script.
   * [[/​trigger/​URL|URL trigger]] – from an AppleScript or other script.   * [[/​trigger/​URL|URL trigger]] – from an AppleScript or other script.
 ===== Actions ===== ===== Actions =====
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 * You can create [[Macro Actions]] manually or by recording them. * You can create [[Macro Actions]] manually or by recording them.
 * You can [[https://​​action/​linkthru?​thirdpartyactions|download]] or write your own [[Plug In Actions]]. * You can [[https://​​action/​linkthru?​thirdpartyactions|download]] or write your own [[Plug In Actions]].
-Macros can execute a sequence of one or more [[Macro Actions]] including:​ +There are [[:Actions|many, many actions]] covering a broad range of facilities, ​including:​ 
-  * Plug In Third Party Actions +  * Plug In Third Party Actions. 
-  * Application Control ​Actions +  * Application Control ​actions ​to launchactivatequitshowhideetceteraapplications
-    * Activate Last, Next or a specific application. +  * Clipboard ​actions ​to setreaddeletestyle, filter, search, replace, etcetera clipboards
-    * Bring the current application'​s windows ​to the front. +  * Control Flow actions ​to pause, loop, test conditions, ​process sets of itemsand more
-    * Quit AllOtherthe current or a specific application. +  * Debugger ​actions to breakpointpausestep over, step into, etcetera, while debugging ​macros. 
-    * Hide AllOtherthe current or a specific application. +  * Execute ​AppleScripts, ​shell scripts, ​JavaScript ​(for Automation or in Safari/Chrome) ​and more
-    * Show All or a specific application. +  * Readwritetrash, duplicate, ​append ​files, or get or set information about them
-  * Clipboard Actions +  * Safari/Chrome ​actions ​to work with the front web pagefilling forms
-    * Simulate CutCopy or Paste. +  * Image actions to find, capture, read, write, ​cropannotate, or display images
-    * Set the system clipboard to specific styled tokenized text. +  * Interface ​actions to move or resize ​windows, click the mouse, ​type keystrokes, press buttonsetcetera
-    * Set the system clipboard to a past copy of the clipboard. +  * iTunes ​actions to play tracks, fast forward, ​rewind, change ​the volume ​and more
-    * Set the system clipboard to a variable. +  * Actions ​to control ​Keyboard Maestro ​itselfenabling ​or disabling ​macros, ​showing and hiding palettesetcetera
-    * Set the system clipboard to a Named~~Clipboard. +  * MIDI actions to send notes, control changes, ​or arbitrary packets
-    * Delete the current or a past clipboard entry from the clipboard history. +  * Send notifications via email, SMS, iMessage, ​notification ​center, soundsalerts, etcetera
-    * CutCopy or Paste to/from a permanent Named~~Clipboard+  * Open filesfoldersURLs, system preferences,​ even 1Password ​bookmarks
-    Set a Named~~Clipboard to the system clipboard. +  * QuickTime ​player actions to play movies, step forward ​or backward ​and more
-    * Copy a Named~~Clipboard to another Named~~Clipboard. +  Actions to control a Stream Deck device
-    * Apply styles (fontcolorsunderlinesetc) to a (portion of) the a clipboard. +  * Actions ​to launch applications,​ select windows, or switch clipboards
-    * Apply a BBEdit Text Factory to the current clipboard. +  * Sleep, ​restart or shut down your Mac, Fast User Switch, ​log outchange brightness ​or volume, etcetera
-    * Apply various [[Filters]] to the contents of the current clipboard. +  * Type or paste strings, speak text, work with variables or dictionaries
-    * Search and Replace a clipboard. +  Perform calculationsprompt for informationread or write passwords from the Keychain ​and more
-    * Search a clipboard and extract information. +  Web actions ​to search ​the webdownload filesremotely trigger actions, etcetera
-    * Get a substring of a clipboard. + 
-    * Display a clipboard+Basically, if you can do it yourself, Keyboard Maestro can probably do it for you.
-  * Control ​the Flow and Behavior of a Macro +
-    * Pause for a number of seconds (possibly calculated). +
-    * Pause Until conditions are met. +
-    * Execute a list of actions ​until conditions ​are met. +
-    * Execute a list of actions while conditions are met. +
-    * Repeat a list of actions a number (may be a calculation) of times. +
-    * If conditions are metexecute a list of actionsotherwise execute another list. +
-    * Execute another macro (like a subroutine). +
-    * Cancel all, other, or this macro+
-  * Debugger ​Actions +
-    * Startfinishor toggle debugging. +
-    * Have new macros begin paused, or run until paused. +
-    * Breakpoint this, all, or other macros. +
-    * Step over, into, or out of macros+
-    * Continue this or other macros. +
-    * Note: debugging actions are not paused by the debugger+
-  ​* Mail Actions +
-    * Send or create a mail message. +
-    * Set a status flag on the currently selected mail message. +
-  * Execution Actions +
-    ​* Execute ​an AppleScript and optionally display or store the results. +
-    * Execute a shell script and optionally display or store the results. +
-    * Execute a Swift and optionally display or store the results. +
-    * Execute a JavaScript for Automation ​(JXA) and optionally display ​or store the results. +
-    * Execute an Automator workflow. +
-    * Execute a JavaScript ​in the front Safari ​or Google ​Chrome ​window. +
-    * Execute another macros (like a subroutine). +
-  * File Actions +
-    * Reveal a File. +
-    * Moverenamecopy, duplicate, ​trash or delete a file. +
-    * Read and write files (textstyled text or images). +
-    * Append text to a file. +
-    * Create a new folder. +
-    * Read or write a file attribute (eg modification date). +
-    * Read, set, add, remove or toggle Mavericks Tags+
-  * Safari ​and Google ​Chrome ​Actions +
-    * Create a new window or tab. +
-    * Move to the nextprevious or a specific tab. +
-    * Wait for the page to finish loading. +
-    * Set the page URL or title. +
-    * Focus or select a specific field. +
-    * Read or write a specific field. +
-    * Submit or reset a form. +
-    * Execute a JavaScript in the front window+
-  * Image Actions +
-    * Screen Capture an image. +
-    * Find an image on the screen. +
-    * Read and write an image file. +
-    * Create a new image. +
-    * Fliprotateresizetrim or crop an image. +
-    * Composite a clipboard or styled text onto an image. +
-    * Draw a shape onto an image. +
-    * Display an image. +
-    * Get an image size+
-  * Interface ​Control Actions +
-    * Manipulate a window – resize, ​move, center, close, zoom, minimize, bring to front. +
-    * Move or click the mouse with modifiers. +
-    * Select or show a specific menu. +
-    * Press a button with a specific name. +
-    * Type a keystroke. +
-    * Type a hardware key. +
-    * Type a modifier key. +
-    * Simulate moving the scroll wheel. +
-    * Use a variable to set the mousewindowor application+
-  * iTunes ​Actions +
-    * Play a specific a specific songa random song or a specific Playlist. +
-    * Play, pause or stop. +
-    * Rewind or fast forward+
-    * Go to the next or previous track. +
-    * Raiselower or set the volume ​to a specific level. +
-    * Raise, lower or set the rating of the current song+
-  * Keyboard Maestro ​Actions +
-    * Record a quick macro without launching ​Keyboard Maestro+
-    * Trigger a macro by name. +
-    * Set (or toggle) whether a Macro Group or Macro is enabled. +
-    * Activate a macro group (optionally with palette) for one or more actions. +
-    * Cancel this, all, or other macros+
-    * Comment (no actionjust for helping you document a macro sequence). +
-    * Showhide or toggle the Global Macro Palette. +
-    * Mark a Macro (when displayed in a menu or palette). +
-    * Set various delays used by Keyboard Maestro. +
-    * Conceal macro palettes+
-  * Send a MIDI Note or Control Change+
-  * Notification Actions +
-    * Display a Notification~~Center ​notification+
-    * Display a growl notification. +
-    * Display text. +
-    * Display large text. +
-    * Display an alertoptionally stopping the macro. +
-    * Prompt for user input in a variety of forms. +
-    * Display a custom HTML form. +
-    * Play a system beep. +
-    * Play a sound. +
-    * Speak some text. +
-    * Highlight a location on the screen+
-  * Open Actions +
-    * Open a filefolderor application. +
-    * Open the current Finder selection. +
-    * Open a URL. +
-    * Open a System Preferences pane. +
-    * Open a 1Password ​bookmark+
-  * QuickTime ​Player Actions +
-    * Play or pause the current movie. +
-    * Step backward ​or forward+
-    Increase, decrease or set the volume+
-  * Switcher ​Actions +
-    * Activate the application launcher. +
-    * Activate the application switcher. +
-    * Activate the window switcher. +
-    * Activate the named clipboard switcher. +
-    * Activate the clipboard history switcher+
-  ​* System Control Actions +
-    ​* Sleep, ​Restart, Shut Down, Fast User Switch ​or Log Out. +
-    * Set the system “Find” pasteboard. +
-    * Open/close the CD tray. +
-    * Increasedecreaseset or mute/unmute the system ​volume+
-    * Increase or decrease the brightness. +
-    * Start or stop the screen saver. +
-    * Wake the screen. +
-    * Set the system Network Location+
-  * Text Actions +
-    * Insert text by typing ​or pasting with built-in token expansion. +
-    * Display ​text with built-in token expansion+
-    Type a keystroke. +
-    * Set the clipboard to text. +
-    * Set a variable to text. +
-    * Apply styles (fontcolorsunderlines, etc) to a clipboard. +
-    * Speak text. +
-  * Variable Actions +
-    * Set a variable to specific tokenized text. +
-    * Set a variable to a calculation. +
-    * Set a variable to a clipboard. +
-    * Set a variable to a keychain password. +
-    * Set a keychain password to a variable ​or text. +
-    * Apply various [[Filters]] to the contents of a variable. +
-    * Search ​and Replace a variable+
-    Search a variable and extract information. +
-    * Get a substring of a variable. +
-    * Use a variable ​to set the mousewindowor application+
-    * Prompt ​for user information to set a variety of variables. +
-  * Web Actions +
-    * Open a URL. +
-    * Search the Web.+
 ===== Editor ===== ===== Editor =====
 +* Assistance system.
 +* Large Text support.
 +* Basic Touch Bar support.
 * Smart Groups * Smart Groups
-Forward/​Backward history of edited macros. +Select from recently ​triggered ​or edited ​macros.
-* History of triggered macros.+
 * Autocompletion. * Autocompletion.
 * Integrated access to wiki help. * Integrated access to wiki help.
 * Rename, color, group, and add notes to actions. * Rename, color, group, and add notes to actions.
-* Palette Theme Editor+* Palette Theme Editor.
-===== Application Launcher ​=====+===== Named and History Clipboard Switcher ​=====
-Display a Cover Flow view of available ​applications for quick selection+Never lose your clipboard again. 
-Type ahead selection including abbreviations (eg "p" for Adobe Photoshop).+* Browse your past clipboards and paste any previous clipboard item. 
 +* An unlimited number ​of Named~~Clipboards. 
 +* Send clipboard entries to other Macs. 
 +* Clipboards display rich text and images. 
 +* Use Quick Look to view clipboard entries. 
 +* Apple Clipboard Filter triggered macros directly to selected clipboard entries. 
 +* Set clipboard entries as favorites so they are always ​available ​in your clipboard history
 +Copy, Cut or Paste to/from Named~~Clipboards using single keystroke. 
 +* Clipboard History is optionally saved across logins and restarts. 
 +* Named Clipboards are saved permanently.
-===== Application and Window ​Switcher ​=====+===== Application and Window ​Launching and Switching ​=====
 +* Display a Cover Flow view of available applications for quick launching.
 * Optionally replace the system Command-Tab application switcher. * Optionally replace the system Command-Tab application switcher.
 * Customize the switcher to match the look you want. * Customize the switcher to match the look you want.
Line 268: Line 141:
 * Optionally hide other applications. * Optionally hide other applications.
 * Optionally always hide other applications. * Optionally always hide other applications.
-===== Clipboard Switcher ===== 
-* An unlimited number of Named~~Clipboards. 
-* Copy, Cut or Paste to/from Named~~Clipboards using a single keystroke. 
-* Clipboards are saved permanently. 
-===== Clipboard History Switcher ===== 
-* Never lose your clipboard again. 
-* Browse your past clipboards and paste any previous clipboard item. 
-* Send clipboard entries to other Macs. 
-* Clipboards display rich text and images. 
-* Use Quick Look to view clipboard entries. 
-* Set clipboard entries as favorites so they are always available in your clipboard history. 
-* Clipboard History is optionally saved across logins and restarts. 
manual/Features.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/21 04:13 by peternlewis