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manual:Macro_Examples [2019/06/18 01:48]
peternlewis [Use Hot Keys to Connect to SSH or HTTPS sites]
manual:Macro_Examples [2019/06/18 01:53] (current)
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 Use the [[actions:​Click_Browser_Link|Click Browser Link]] and [[actions:​Browser_Form_Actions|Browser Form Actions]] to open web pages, fill in fields, submit forms, follow links. ​ For example, you could use this to log in to the city library for all the members of your family, one in each tab, to easily check what books are due back. Use the [[actions:​Click_Browser_Link|Click Browser Link]] and [[actions:​Browser_Form_Actions|Browser Form Actions]] to open web pages, fill in fields, submit forms, follow links. ​ For example, you could use this to log in to the city library for all the members of your family, one in each tab, to easily check what books are due back.
-If you are going to use this to enter passwords, use the Set Variable to Keychain Password action to retrieve the password so that it is not stored in plain text in the Keyboard Maestro ​macros.+If you are going to use this to enter passwords, use the [[action:​Set_Variable_to_Keychain_Password|Set Variable to Keychain Password]] action to retrieve the password so that it is not stored in plain text in the macros. 
 ===== Remap Command Keys ===== ===== Remap Command Keys =====
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 ===== Apply Text Conversions ===== ===== Apply Text Conversions =====
-If you are regularly translating text from one format to another in an automatic process, perhaps you can automate the whole thing with a Keyboard Maestro ​macro. ​ For example, converting function declaration in a header file into function definition.+If you are regularly translating text from one format to another in an automatic process, perhaps you can automate the whole thing with a macro. ​ For example, converting function declaration in a header file into function definition.
 ===== Simulate Workspaces ===== ===== Simulate Workspaces =====
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 ===== Feedback During Macro Execution ===== ===== Feedback During Macro Execution =====
-A Macro can play a System Beep, but an alternative is to use an AppleScript or shell script ​to speak text (AppleScript CODE{{{say "​hello"​}}}).+A Macro can play a System Beep or use the [[action:​Speak_Text|Speak Text]] action ​to speak directly.
 You can also use the Alert action to display a window with specified text.  This also allows you to stop the macro if you decide not to proceed. You can also use the Alert action to display a window with specified text.  This also allows you to stop the macro if you decide not to proceed.
-===== Rakesh Kumar’s PC Switcher’s Pack ===== 
-Rakesh Kumar has created a pack to make life easier for Windows to Mac Switchers. ​ It includes a set of macros for Mail, Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint as well as macros to map control keys to command keys for various common actions like Cut/​Copy/​Paste. ​ It also includes a DefaultKeyBinding.dict for Mail to make it work more like Windows users expect. 
-Download [[https://​​|Rakesh Kumar’s PC Switcher Pack]] and follow the instructions. 
manual/Macro_Examples.1560836932.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/18 01:48 by peternlewis