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token:FinderSelection [2023/09/19 23:49]
token:FinderSelection [2024/12/15 23:38] (current)
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 The //​%FinderSelection%//​ token returns (v10.0+) the path of the currently selected file in the Finder. If there is none or more than one file selected, then it returns the empty string. The //​%FinderSelection%//​ token returns (v10.0+) the path of the currently selected file in the Finder. If there is none or more than one file selected, then it returns the empty string.
-The //​%FinderSelections%//​ token returns (v10.0+) the paths of the currently selected ​file in the Finder, one per line.+The //​%FinderSelections%//​ token returns (v10.0+) the paths of the currently selected ​files in the Finder, one per line.
 Prior to v11, if the selection was an alias/link, this token would return the target of the link. As of v11.0+, the token returns the alias/link. Prior to v11, if the selection was an alias/link, this token would return the target of the link. As of v11.0+, the token returns the alias/link.
token/FinderSelection.1695181749.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/09/19 23:49 by peternlewis