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The %ICUDateTime%, %ICUDateTimePlus%, %ICUDateTimeMinus% and %ICUDateTimeFor% tokens return the a date formatted in a specific format.

The variants format:

  • %ICUDateTime%format% - the current date and time.
  • %ICUDateTimeFor%NOW()+20%format% - the specified [:unixtime] date.
  • %ICUDateTimePlus%36%Hours%format% - the current time plus a specified number of the specified time units. * %ICUDateTimeMinus%36%Hours%format% - the current time minus a specified number of the specified time units.

The available time units for %ICUDateTimePlus% and %ICUDateTimeMinus% are:

  • Seconds
  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Years

The format is a specified with an ICU Date Time Format Specifier which allows you to produce the date in almost any format you desire.

token/ICUDateTime.1436956600.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/15 06:36 by peternlewis