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token:JSONFromVariables [2019/06/24 04:15]
peternlewis created
token:JSONFromVariables [2025/01/12 21:51] (current)
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 The variables with names starting with the specified prefix (with the prefix removed) are used as field names for the resulting JSON object, and the variable values are the corresponding values. The variables with names starting with the specified prefix (with the prefix removed) are used as field names for the resulting JSON object, and the variable values are the corresponding values.
 +(!) Note: JSON keys are case sensitive, but Keyboard Maestro variables are case insensitive. The `prefix` in this token is also case sensitive. Further, there may be more than one variable with the same resulting key, for example with a prefix of `Local`, both `Local Var` and `LocalVar` will result in the same `Var` key, only one of which will appear in the result with no way to know which it is.
 The token has Pretty and Compact variants (by appending either to the token name), as well as a Strict variant (appending Strict) (for example `%JSONFromVariablesStrictCompact%dictionary%`). ​ The order of the variants does not matter, but you cannot have both Compact and Pretty (See the [[manual:​JSON]] user manual section). The token has Pretty and Compact variants (by appending either to the token name), as well as a Strict variant (appending Strict) (for example `%JSONFromVariablesStrictCompact%dictionary%`). ​ The order of the variants does not matter, but you cannot have both Compact and Pretty (See the [[manual:​JSON]] user manual section).
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 === Functions === === Functions ===
-* [[function:DAY|DAY()]]+* [[function:JSONVALUE ​JSONVALUE(jsonpath)]] 
 +* [[function:​COUNT | COUNT()]]
 * [[:​Functions|See all Functions]] * [[:​Functions|See all Functions]]
Line 34: Line 38:
 * [[token:​JSONFromDictionary | JSONFromDictionary]] * [[token:​JSONFromDictionary | JSONFromDictionary]]
-* [[token:JSONFromVariables ​JSONFromVariables]]+* [[token:JSONValue ​JSONValue]]
 * [[:​Tokens|See all Tokens]] * [[:​Tokens|See all Tokens]]
 +=== Collections ===
 +* [[collection:​JSON_Keys | JSON Keys]]
 +* [[:​Collections |See all Tokens]]
token/JSONFromVariables.1561364121.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/24 04:15 by peternlewis