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trigger:Clipboard_Filter [2021/11/24 01:44]
trigger:Clipboard_Filter [2024/09/28 03:00] (current)
peternlewis typo
Line 11: Line 11:
 {{:​trigger:​filter-clipboard-menu.png?​nolink&​972|}} {{:​trigger:​filter-clipboard-menu.png?​nolink&​972|}}
-You can control the sorting order of macros by adding two characters and a closing ​braket ​(eg “01)My Macro”). ​ The prefix will be removed before displaying in the status menu, but will be used to control the order of the macros shown.+You can control the sorting order of macros by adding two characters and a closing ​bracket ​(eg “01)My Macro”). ​ The prefix will be removed before displaying in the status menu, but will be used to control the order of the macros shown.
 You can edit a macro by holding down the option key and selecting it from the action menu menu. You can edit a macro by holding down the option key and selecting it from the action menu menu.
trigger/Clipboard_Filter.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/28 03:00 by peternlewis