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trigger:MIDI [2015/02/03 23:31]
peternlewis created
trigger:MIDI [2025/02/28 21:53] (current)
peternlewis [Packet]
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-The MIDI trigger lets you execute a macro when a MIDI note is received.+The *MIDI triggerlets you execute a macro when a MIDI packet ​is received.
-You can also configure the trigger ​to execute the macro when the note is pressedwhen it is released, or repeatedly while the note is held down.+You can trigger ​on specific notesspecific controller changes (v8+), or on any raw MIDI packet (v8+).
-You can also configure ​the trigger to execute the macro when the note is received from a particular devicefrom particular channel ​or from any device or channel.+If the *Allow Recording* (*MIDI Learn*) checkbox is on, and the note field has the text focusand you press MIDI note, then Keyboard Maestro will set the fields to the correct value for you; similarly for the controller field or the raw packet fields.
 +====== Notes =======
 +The macro can execute when the MIDI note is pressed (note on), released (note off) or continuously while it is held down.  This allows you to do things like have a macro execute when the key is pressed, and then a second macro execute when the key is released, for example to toggle a setting on and then off again.
 +You can configure the trigger to execute the macro when the note is received from a particular device, from a particular channel or from any device or channel.
 +The [[token:​TriggerValue|%TriggerValue%]] token will hold `channel,​note,​velocity,​device` for press and release (8.0.4+) (just the velocity was included prior to version 8.0).  You can easily access the individual parts using the token array notation:
 +^ Token      ^ Value ^
 +| %TriggerValue[1]% ​   | Channel ​        |
 +| %TriggerValue[2]% ​   | Note            |
 +| %TriggerValue[3]% ​   | Velocity ​       |
 +| %TriggerValue[4]% ​   | Device ​         |
 +====== Controller Change =======
 +The macro can execute when the MIDI controller value changes (v8+). ​ Options include:
 +* changes — every time it changes.
 +* changes < — every time it changes and is less than the specified value.
 +* changes <= — every time it changes and is less than or equal to the specified value.
 +* changes to — every time it changes and is the specified value.
 +* changes >= — every time it changes and is greater than or equal to the specified value.
 +* changes > — every time it changes and is greater than the specified value.
 +* changed — every time it changes to a different value.
 +* changed < — every time it changes and is less than the specified value and was not previously.
 +* changed <= — every time it changes and is less than or equal to the specified value and was not previously.
 +* changed to — every time it changes and is the specified value and was not previously.
 +* changed >= — every time it changes and is greater than or equal to the specified value and was not previously.
 +* changed > — every time it changes and is greater than the specified value and was not previously.
 +* decreases — every time it changes and is less than the previous value. (v8.0.4+)
 +* increases — every time it changes and is greater than the previous value. (v8.0.4+)
 +For the *changed* variants, the first controller change Keyboard Maestro sees is assumed to have changed if it matches the conditions. ​ After that, only changes from the previous state are considered.
 +You can configure the trigger to execute the macro when the controller change is received from a particular device, from a particular channel or from any device or channel.
 +The [[token:​TriggerValue|%TriggerValue%]] token will hold `channel,​controller,​value,​device` (8.0.4+). ​ You can easily access the individual parts using the token array notation:
 +^ Token      ^ Value ^
 +| %TriggerValue[1]% ​   | Channel ​        |
 +| %TriggerValue[2]% ​   | Controller ​     |
 +| %TriggerValue[3]% ​   | Value           |
 +| %TriggerValue[4]% ​   | Device ​         |
 +====== Packet =======
 +This is a rather advanced trigger that requires some knowledge of the MIDI protocol (v8+). ​ You can configure the minimum and maximum size of the packet, as well as the range of the first two bytes, and a regex that matches the specified packet (the format will be a sequence of space-separated hex values).
 +This should allow you to capture things like SysEx and HUI protocol packets and the like.
 +The [[token:​TriggerValue|%TriggerValue%]] token will the space-separated hex values representing the packet, followed by a comma, followed by the source device. You can get the two parts with.
 +^ Token      ^ Value ^
 +| %TriggerValue[1]% ​   | Data            |
 +| %TriggerValue[2]% ​   | Device ​         |
 +If you extract just the bytes (ie, everything up until the first comma), then you can then easily access the individual parts using the token array notation, eg `%DataVar[3] %` will be the third value (8.0.4+) — note the `{space}` in `]{space}%`,​ the space is the separator for the array, instead of the default comma.
trigger/MIDI.1423024285.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/03 23:31 by peternlewis