====== Execute Swift Script ====== The //Execute a Swift Script action// executes a specified Swift script, either from a file or text. ===== Using the Results ===== The results of the script can be: *Ignored. *Displayed in a floating window. *Displayed briefly in a Notification. *Typed in to the current selection. *Pasted in to the current selection. *Saved to a variable. *Saved to the system or a Named Clipboard. *Asynchronously ignored — the action runs while the macro continues on. ===== How to Get Keyboard Maestro Variables ===== Keyboard Maestro sets the environment variables for the script to include all your variables, using a prefix of `KMVAR_` and your variable name with spaces changed in to underscores (‗). For example, your Keyboard Maestro “File Name” variable will be available as the environment variable `KMVAR_File_Name`. By default, all variables are included, but you can select No Variables, or specific variables as desired using the popup menu next to the script (v11.0+). Swift scripts can get (but not set) Keyboard Maestro Variables by using environment variables, for example: **Swift 2 (Xcode 7 and 8)** import Foundation print(NSProcessInfo.processInfo().environment["KMVAR_Variable_Name"]!) **Swift 3 (Xcode 8)** import Foundation print(ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["KMVAR_Variable_Name"]!) Swift scripts can get or set Keyboard Maestro Variables by using AppleScript, for example: import Foundation let myString = "the Value" NSAppleScript(source: "tell application \"Keyboard Maestro Engine\" to setvariable \"fromSwift\" to \"\(myString)\"")?.executeAndReturnError(nil) Note that if the value might contain backslashes or quotes, you will need to deal with quoting them, replacing every backslash with backslash-backslash, and every double quote with backslash-double quote. ===== See Also ===== === Actions === * [[action:Execute_a_Shell_Script|Execute a Shell Script]] * [[action:Execute an AppleScript|Execute an AppleScript]] * [[action:Execute an Automator Workflow|Execute an Automator Workflow]] * [[action:Execute a JavaScript For Automation|Execute a JavaScript For Automation]] * [[action:Filter|Filter Variable with Expand Tilde In Path]] * [[:Actions|See all Actions]] ==== Related Wiki Articles ==== * [[:Scripting|Scripting on OS X Using Keyboard Maestro]] ==== Forum Topics ==== * [MACRO Example: Swift Script returning list of variable names from KME](https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/macro-example-swift-script-returning-list-of-variable-names-from-kme/4052) * [Swift example script: Get macros and uuids from clipboard](https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/swift-example-script-get-macros-and-uuids-from-clipboard/4037) * [Keyboard Maestro supports Swift](https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/keyboard-maestro-supports-swift/4015)