The Screen Capture action captures a specified object or area of the screen to the system clipboard or a named clipboard.
Select the object or area to capture from the //Capture// pop-up:
*all screens
*main screen
*screen with index
*the front window
*window with title
*window with title containing
*window with title matching
*window with index
Select which clipboard to write to from the //to// pop-up.
Two options for the action are available from the gear icon in the top right corner of the action:
*Include Shadows
*Always Nominal Resolution
Nominal resolution means the images will be captured at 72dpi despite a possibly higher dpi used by the monitor (for example, if you have a retina monitor, without this option the screen capture would be at 144dpi).
Keyboard Maestro does NOT replicate OSX's interactive capture area functionality – e.g. ⌘⇧4.
Unfortunately Apple has not provided an API for that.
Therefore to use it in a script you need to use an **Execute a Shell Script** action:
screencapture -ic
This will capture interactively to the clipboard.
Enter “man screencapture” in the Terminal.app for more information.