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Recording allows Keyboard Maestro to watch you as you perform a task and create the actions to produce a similar result.

The Record Quick Macro action is a variant of this that you can activate at any time without launching Keyboard Maestro. Trigger the recording, perform a series of actions, then turn off recording. Then press the associated hot key to replay the recording.

By default, Keyboard Maestro creates a macro triggered by Control-F1 which executes the Record Quick Macro action with a hot key of Option-F1. So for example, if you press Control-F1 to start quick recording, type “hello” and then press Control-F1 again to finish recording, then Keyboard Maestro will type “hello” each time you press Option-F1.

Because you cannot see or edit the recorded actions, it is best to keep them very simple. A good rule of thumb would be not to touch the mouse, just use the keyboard.

For example, say you wanted to quote a dozen different words in a paragraph, you could click in the middle of the first word, press Control-F1 to start quick recording, type Option-Left Arrow, quote (“), Option-Right Arrow, quote (”), and then Control-F1 again to finish recording. Now click in the middle of each remaining word and press Option-F1.

Keyboard Maestro automatically includes an implicit Semaphore at the start of the recorded macro so that you can trigger the resulting macro quickly multiple times and it will execute sequentially.

action/Record_Quick_Macro.1437113465.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/17 02:11 by peternlewis