The Environment Variable condition looks at the system environment variables that make up Keyboard Maestro Engine's environment and determines if the specified environment variable:
does not exist.
is empty.
is not empty.
is exactly (case insensitively) a specified string.
is not exactly (case insensitively) a specified string.
contains (case insensitively) a specified string.
does not contain (case insensitively) a specified string.
starts with (case insensitively) a specified string. (v8+)
ends with (case insensitively) a specified string. (v8+)
is alphabetically before a specified string. (v7.2+)
is alphabetically after a specified string. (v7.2+)
is numerically less than a specified calculation. (v8+)
is numerically less than or equal to a specified calculation. (v8+)
is numerically equal to a specified calculation. (v8+)
is numerically greater than or equal to a specified calculation. (v8+)
is numerically greater than a specified calculation. (v8+)
is numerically not equal to a specified calculation. (v8+)
See Also