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OCR Condition

The OCR condition (v9.0+) extracts the text from an image using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) (specifically using Apple Text Recognition (v11+ and macOS 10.15+) or the Tesseract OCR library) and determines if it currently meets the specified.

 OCR Condition

The source image can be pasted into the action, or read from the System Clipboard, Trigger Clipboard, a Named Clipboard, or a file, or you can get the image from the screen.

When reading from the screen, you can get the image from all screens, or from a specific screen or window or area on the screen.

You can choose what language or script the text is in. Each language will require a download, typically between 1 and 10 MB, though there are a few scripts that are significantly larger.

You select the comparison criteria in the popup menu.

PopUp Item Description
is empty does not contain any.
is not empty contains some text.
is has text that exactly matches a specified string.
is not does not have text that exactly matches a specified string.
contains has text that contains (case insensitively) a specified string.
does not contain does not have text that contains (case insensitively) a specified string.
starts with has text that starts with (case insensitively) a specified string.
ends with has text that ends with (case insensitively) a specified string.
is before has text that is alphabetically before a specified string.
is after has text that is alphabetically after a specified string.
matches has text that matches a specified regular expression.
does not match does not have text that matches a specified regular expression.

As with any OCR, the text may contain errors so you should be relatively liberal in how specifying your criteria.

Note that the Tesseract OCR software prefers black-on-white text, and while it will often work with white-on-black text, it will be more likely to fail in those cases.

See Also



condition/OCR.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/12 23:07 by peternlewis