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Using AppleScript to Get and Set Keyboard Maestro Variables

Keyboard Maestro Version 7.1 introduced a streamlined way to Get and Set Keyboard Maestro Variables from AppleScript.

In AppleScript, you can access Keyboard Maestro variables like this:

tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
    getvariable "<KM Variable Name>"
    setvariable "<KM Variable Name>" to "<New Value>"
end tell

where both the <KM Variable Name> and <New Value> are text values.

For more details, see:

Global Variables

Global Variables (available in all macros) may be got and set like this:

### Requires Keyboard Maestro 7.1+ ###
--- Set AppleScript Variables to KM Variable Name and Value ---
set myKMVar to "My KM Var Name"
set myASVar to "TBD" -- default value of KM variable, will be updated
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
  ### GET ###
  -- IF KM Variable does NOT exist, the AS Variable will be set to empty string --
  -- Use Explicit Quoted Text --
  set myASVar to getvariable "My KM Var Name"
  -- OR, Use Previously Defined AppleScript Variables --
  set myASVar to getvariable myKMVar
  ### SET ###
  -- IF KM Variable does NOT exist, it will be created --
  -- Use Explicit Quoted Text --
  setvariable "My KM Var Name" to "A new value"
  -- OR, Use Previously Defined AppleScript Variables --
  setvariable myKMVar to myASVar
end tell

Real-World Example

Normally, you would not have both a GET and a SET variable within the same AppleScript tell block.
Here's a real-world example, but with the error checking removed to simplify.

### Requires Keyboard Maestro 7.1+ ###
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
  set mainStr to getvariable "SCPT__MainString"
  set subStr to getvariable "SCPT__StringToFind"
end tell
--- Get Start of StringToFind ---
set posSubStr to offset of subStr in mainStr
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine" to setvariable "SCPT__PosSubStr" to posSubStr

Local & Instance Variables

To get or set Local or Instance Variables, you must pass the macro execution instance to the getvariable or setvariable command. The instance is passed in to your script via the KMINSTANCE environment variable (v8.0.3+).

  • Local Variables are denoted by a Variable with the prefix of “Local”.
  • Instance Variables are denoted by a Variable with the prefix of “Instance”.
### Requires Keyboard Maestro 8.0.3+ ###
set kmInst to system attribute "KMINSTANCE"
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
	set kmLocalVar1 to getvariable "Local__SomeLocalVariable" instance kmInst
	setvariable "Local__FromAS" instance kmInst to "Variable set in AppleScript."
end tell
log kmLocalVar1

Dictionary Values

You can read and write Dictionary values from AppleScript.

### Requires Keyboard Maestro 8.0+ ###
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
	set kmDictList to name of dictionaries
	set dictKeyList to dictionary keys of dictionary "First Names"
	set value of dictionary key "P" of dictionary "First Names" to "Fred"
end tell

Prior to Ver 7.1

  • All of the below scripts were designed for use with Keyboard Maestro prior to version 7.1, but they will still work with the latest version.
  • They present an alternate method.

Set Variable

(will be created if necessary)

my setKMVar("MY_KM_Variable", "some new value")
on setKMVar(pKMVarNameStr, pValueStr)
  --- Compatible with Keyboard Maestro 6+ ---
  --     • Creates the KM Variable if does not exist (just like KM 7 setvariable)
  --     • Returns true if new Variable was created
  set varCreatedBool to false
  tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
      set value of variable pKMVarNameStr to pValueStr
    on error errMsg number errNum
      if (errNum = -10006) then --- KM Variable Does NOT Exist ---
        --- Create & Set KM Variable ---
        make new variable with properties {name:pKMVarNameStr, value:pValueStr}
        set varCreatedBool to true
        error ("Error " & errNum & ":  " & errMsg)
      end if
      -- END on error
    end try
  end tell
  return varCreatedBool
end setKMVar

Get Variable

(returns empty string “” if Variable does not exist)

set myKMVar to my getKMVar("MY_KM_Variable")
on getKMVar(pKMVarNameStr)
  --- Compatible with Keyboard Maestro 6+ ---
  --     • Returns "" if variable is not found (just like KM 7 getvariable)
  tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
      set kmVar to value of variable pKMVarNameStr
    on error errMsg number errNum
      if (errNum = -1728) then
        --- KM Variable NOT Found ---
        set kmVar to ""
        error errMsg
      end if
      -- END on error
    end try
  end tell
  return kmVar
end getKMVar
AppleScript.1740638130.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/27 01:35 by peternlewis