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Regular_Expressions [2016/03/05 03:52]
AlainLifchitz add link to forum
Regular_Expressions [2018/08/10 02:08]
ccstone [Software]
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-In Keyboard Maestro actions, if it uses the term "​matches"​ is means a regular expression.+In any [[Actions|Action]] where the term "​matches"​ is used, you may (optionally) use a regular expression.
-{{:work-in-progress.png?200|}} +**The two most commonly used RegEx Actions are:** 
-Please pardon the dust while we work to build this page for you.  ​8-)+  * [[action:​Search_using_Regular_Expression|Search using Regular Expression ]] to extract [[https://​​brackets.html ​Capture Groups]]. 
 +  * [[action:​Search_and_Replace|Search and Replace]]
 +In all of the RegEx searches, you can choose to search in any one of the following: System Clipboard, Variable, File, Text entered into the Action, and Named Clipboard.
 +There are many Actions in Keyboard Maestro where you can use a regular expression, which may not be obvious. ​ For more info see [Places where Regular Expressions can be used](https://​​t/​places-where-regular-expressions-can-be-used/​4392).
-Info to consider for inclusion here (in no order, numbered for easy reference) +===== Search ​Modifiers =====
-  - All Keyboard Maestro ​Search ​and Replace actions are global by default. ​ This is often indicated in other tools by the /g modifier. +
-  - The (?m) modifier at the beginning of the Regular Expression in can be used to match the start of multiple lines. ​  +
-  - The ICU calls these modifiers "​[[http://​​strings/​regexp#​TOC-Flag-Options|flag options]]"​. +
-  - Use $1, $2, $3 etc for replacing with captured groups. +
-  - You can use text tokens in the fields.+
 +The ICU calls these modifiers "​[[http://​​strings/​regexp#​TOC-Flag-Options|flag options]]"​.
 +The search modifier "​Pattern to Use" shown below is placed at the very beginning of the Search/Find Regular Expression box.\\  ​
 +For example:​\\ ​
 +as shown in the below example #1.
 +^Purpose^Pattern to Use^Description^
 +|Global|NONE|All searches are global in Keyboard Maestro.\\ This is often indicated in other tools by the `/g` modifier.|
 +|Case Insensitive|`(?​i)`|Matching will be in a case-insensitive manner.\\ ​ In some Actions this is NOT necessary since the Action already provides an "​ignoring case" option.|
 +|Dot includes EOL|`(?​s)`|A "​`.`"​ in a pattern will match a line terminator in the input text. Note that a CR LF pair in text behave as a single line terminator, and will match a single "​."​ in a RE pattern.|
 +|Multi-Line|`(?​m)`|Controls the behavior of "​`^`"​ and "​`$`"​ in a pattern.\\ If used, "​`^`"​ and "​`$`"​ will also match at the start and end of each line within the input text.|
 +|Word Boundaries|`(?​w)`|Controls the behavior of \b in a pattern.\\ If used, word boundaries are found according to the definitions of word found in [[http://​​reports/​tr29/#​Word_Boundaries|Unicode UAX 29, Text Boundaries]].|
 +|Comments|`(?​x)`|Ignores white space and allows #​comments.\\ If used, white space within regular expressions is ignored and you can use #​line-comments.|
 +===== Capture Groups =====
 +  * Use the form of `$<​CG#>​`,​ or `\<​CG#>​` (in ver 8+) in the Action Replace box, where `<​CG#>​` is the number for the capture group. ​
 +  * Examples: ​
 +    * `$1, $2, $3`
 +    * `\1, \2, \3`
 +  * This is the same as `\<​CG#>​` used in other apps/​languages,​ like BBEdit.
 +For more information,​ see [[https://​​brackets.html | Capture Groups]].
 +===== Use of Text Tokens =====
 +You can use Keyboard Maestro [[Tokens|Text Tokens]] anywhere appropriate in both the Search pattern and the Replace pattern.
 +===== ICU 55+ Metacharacters =====
 +For the currently complete list, see [ICU Regular Expression Metacharacters](http://​​strings/​regexp#​TOC-Regular-Expression-Metacharacters).
 +**New Metacharacters Available in ICU 55+**(([ICU Regular Expression Metacharacters](http://​​strings/​regexp#​TOC-Regular-Expression-Metacharacters)))
 +[ICU 55](http://​​download/​55) was released on 2015-04-01, and is available in the follow software versions:
 +  * macOS 10.11+ (El Capitan) except for JavaScript
 +  * Keyboard Maestro Native Actions
 +These Metacharacters offer some powerful solutions to long-standing RegEx problems. These can replace complicated RegEx patterns previously required, and are recommended for use if you are running the required versions. ​ For example, `\h` and `\R`.  ICU 55 is _not_ available in all RegEx engines. ​ A notable exception is JavaScript (and JXA), even in High Sierra. ​ So if you are using the native Keyboard Maestro Actions that use RegEx, it would be available, but not necessarily in Actions that use Execute Script in another language. ​ It is available in Execute AppleScript Actions that use ASObjC RegEx.
 +^   New Metacharacters in ICU 55+(([ICU Regular Expression Metacharacters](http://​​strings/​regexp#​TOC-Regular-Expression-Metacharacters))) ​  ^^^
 +^ Character ^ Alternate Expression\\ (Pre ICU 55) ^ Description ^
 +| `\h` | `[^\S\r\n\f]` | Match a Horizontal White Space character.\\ They are characters with Unicode General Category of Space_Separator plus the ASCII tab (\u0009). |
 +| `\H` | `[\S\r\n\f]` | Match a non-Horizontal White Space character. |
 +| `\k<​name>​` | //No Alternative//​ | Named Capture Back Reference. |
 +| `\R` | `(?:​\r?​\n|\r)` | Match a new line character, or the sequence CR LF.\\ The new line characters are \u000a, \u000b, \u000c, \u000d, \u0085, \u2028, \u2029 |
 +| `\v` | `[\n\r]` | Match a new line character.\\ The new line characters are \u000a, \u000b, \u000c, \u000d, \u0085, \u2028, \u2029.\\ Does not match the new line sequence CR LF. |
 +| `\V` | `[^\n\r]` | Match a non-new line character. |
 +For an in-depth discussion, see this Forum topic: [RegEx for Horizontal Whitespace](https://​​t/​wiki-update-regex-icu-55-metacharacters/​10788).
 ===== Examples ===== ===== Examples =====
Line 42: Line 93:
 +===== See also: =====
-----+=== Actions ===
-===== See also=====+* [[action:For Each|For Each]] 
 +* [[action:​Search Clipboard|Search Clipboard]] 
 +* [[action:​Search Variable|Search Variable]] 
 +* [[action:​Search and Replace Clipboard|Search and Replace Clipboard]] 
 +* [[action:​Search and Replace Variable|Search and Replace Variable]] 
 +* [[:​Actions|See all Actions]]
-==== Documentation ====+===  ​Conditions ​===
-* [[action:Search ​Variable|action:​Search ​Variable]] +* [[condition:​Variable|Variable]] 
-* [[trigger:​Typed String|trigger:Typed String]]+* [[:​Conditions|See all Conditions]] 
 +=== Triggers === 
 +* [[trigger:​Typed String|Typed String]] 
 +* [[:​Triggers|See all Triggers]]
Line 60: Line 122:
 - [[https://​​t/​change-case-in-regular-expression-search-replacement-text/​660/​5|Change Case in Regular Expression Search Replacement Text]] - [[https://​​t/​change-case-in-regular-expression-search-replacement-text/​660/​5|Change Case in Regular Expression Search Replacement Text]]
 +- [[https://​​t/​regex-add-html-div-tag-to-each-line/​2829|[RegEx] Add HTML Div tag to Each Line]]
 - [[https://​​t/​how-to-search-and-replace-for-characters-in-variables/​3078/​11|How to search and replace for characters in variables]] - [[https://​​t/​how-to-search-and-replace-for-characters-in-variables/​3078/​11|How to search and replace for characters in variables]]
 +- [[https://​​t/​cleaning-up-variables-at-the-end-of-sub-macros/​4561/​38|Cleaning Up Variables at the end of sub-macros]]
 +- [[https://​​t/​example-switch-action-with-or-conditions-copy-and-paste-regular-expressions/​4595|EXAMPLE:​ SWITCH action with "​OR"​ conditions (copy-and-paste regular expressions)]]
-- [[​sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&​ion=1&​espv=2&​ie=UTF-8&​​​aqs=chrome..69i57.14628j0j7|Keyboard Maestro Forum topics about Regular Expressions (RegEx)]]+ 
 +- [[|Keyboard Maestro Forum topics about Regular Expressions (RegEx)]]
 ==== General ==== ==== General ====
Line 72: Line 138:
 ==== Software ==== ==== Software ====
-  - [[http://​​products/​textwrangler/|TextWrangler ​(freeware text editor with PCRE regular expression support)]]+  - [[http://​​products/​bbedit/|BBEdit (commercial) or BBEdit-Lite ​(freeware text editor with PCRE regular expression support)]]
   - [[http://​​us/​app/​patterns-the-regex-app/​id429449079?​mt=12|Patterns — a regular expression analyzer on the app-store]]   - [[http://​​us/​app/​patterns-the-regex-app/​id429449079?​mt=12|Patterns — a regular expression analyzer on the app-store]]
   - [[https://​​us/​app/​regexrx/​id498370702?​mt=12|RegExRX — a regular expression analyzer on the app-store]]   - [[https://​​us/​app/​regexrx/​id498370702?​mt=12|RegExRX — a regular expression analyzer on the app-store]]
   - [[https://​|]] -- Online RegEx Analyzer   - [[https://​|]] -- Online RegEx Analyzer
 ==== Books ==== ==== Books ====
Line 93: Line 158:
   - [[http://​​regex-primer-part-1/​|Regex Primer : Part 1]]   - [[http://​​regex-primer-part-1/​|Regex Primer : Part 1]]
   - [[http://​​regex-primer-part-2/​|Regex Primer : Part 2]]   - [[http://​​regex-primer-part-2/​|Regex Primer : Part 2]]
 +  - [Regular Expressions Quick Start](http://​​quickstart.html)
   - [[http://​​KB/​dotnet/​regextutorial.aspx| RegExTutorial]]   - [[http://​​KB/​dotnet/​regextutorial.aspx| RegExTutorial]]
- +  ​[[http://​​|Regexr  ​Regex testing and explaining, examples and references]]
- +
- +
- +
 Keywords: ​ //Regular Expression, RegEx, RegExp, Find, Replace, Match// Keywords: ​ //Regular Expression, RegEx, RegExp, Find, Replace, Match//
Regular_Expressions.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/10 03:29 by ccstone