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actions:Redirect_Control_Flow [2019/07/15 00:12]
actions:Redirect_Control_Flow [2024/12/05 21:59] (current)
Line 6: Line 6:
   * Cancel All Other Macros — Cancel all macros except this macro instance.   * Cancel All Other Macros — Cancel all macros except this macro instance.
   * Cancel This Macro — Cancel this macro and any macros that executed this macro.   * Cancel This Macro — Cancel this macro and any macros that executed this macro.
-  * Cancel Just This Macro — Cancel just this macro, continue executing the macro that executed this macro.+  * Cancel Just This Macro — Cancel just this macro, continue executing the macro that [[action:​Execute_a_Macro|executed]] this macro (use [[action:​Return_from_Subroutine|Return from Subroutine]] for macros executed by [[action:​Execute_a_Subroutine|Execute a Subroutine]]).
   * Cancel a Specific Macro (v9.0+) — Cancels a specific macro instance (from the [[token:​ExecutingInstance|%ExecutingInstance%]] or [[token:​ExecutingInstances|%ExecutingInstances%]] tokens).   * Cancel a Specific Macro (v9.0+) — Cancels a specific macro instance (from the [[token:​ExecutingInstance|%ExecutingInstance%]] or [[token:​ExecutingInstances|%ExecutingInstances%]] tokens).
 +    * Forum example: [How To Stop a Specific Instance of a Running Macro](https://​​t/​how-to-stop-only-this-macro-not-all/​17263)
 +    * [[https://​​t/​cancel-a-specific-macro-action/​15003/​5?​u=jmichaeltx|See another example here]].
 +    * Note that the empty string, or the string “THIS” will cancel the currently executing macro.
   * Retry This Loop — Skip to the start of this loop and continue executing.   * Retry This Loop — Skip to the start of this loop and continue executing.
   * Continue Loop — Skip to the end of this loop and continue executing, possibly looping.   * Continue Loop — Skip to the end of this loop and continue executing, possibly looping.
Line 23: Line 26:
 * [[action:​Repeat|Repeat]] * [[action:​Repeat|Repeat]]
 * [[action:​Until|Until]] * [[action:​Until|Until]]
 +* [[action:​While|While]] action
 * [[action:​Assert|Assert]] * [[action:​Assert|Assert]]
 * [[:​Actions|See all Actions]] * [[:​Actions|See all Actions]]
actions/Redirect_Control_Flow.1563163963.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/15 00:12 by peternlewis