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assistance:Web_Browser_Automation [2023/01/13 01:45]
assistance:Web_Browser_Automation [2024/09/16 03:05] (current)
peternlewis [Safari]
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 ==== Safari ==== ==== Safari ====
-In Safari, you must first enable the Develop menu by choosing *Preferences* from the *Safari* menu, changing to the Advanced panel, and enabling ​“Show Develop menu in menu bar”, and then choosing ​*Allow JavaScript from Apple Events* from the *Develop*.  You can then turn off the Develop menu if desired.+In Safari, you must first enable the Develop menu by choosing *Preferences* from the *Safari* menu, changing ​to the Developer panel and enabling *Allow JavaScript from Apple Events* (or for older versions of Safari, change ​to the Advanced panel, and enable ​“Show Develop menu in menu bar”, and then choose ​*Allow JavaScript from Apple Events* from the *Develop* ​menu - you can then turn off the Develop menu if desired).
 ==== Google Chrome ==== ==== Google Chrome ====
assistance/Web_Browser_Automation.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/16 03:05 by peternlewis