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token:MacroNameForUUID [2015/07/15 06:39]
peternlewis created
token:MacroNameForUUID [2017/09/07 00:14] (current)
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-The //%MacroNameForUUID%**uuid**%//​ token returns the name of the macro or macro group with the specified **UUID**. ​ If the macro does not exist, then this will return the empty string so you can use it as a simple test for the existence of a particular macro.+====== ​MacroNameForUUID ​Token ======
 +This [[:​Tokens|token]] returns the name of the macro or macro group with the specified **UUID**. ​ If the macro does not exist, then this will return "Not Found" so you can use it as a simple test for the existence of a particular macro.
 +===== How To Use =====
 +==== General Form ====
 +**The general form of this token is**:\\
 +where `<​UUID>​` is the explicit Macro Universal ID, like "​4ADD4CEB-D07C-4095-B06B-D01C48E3D82C"​
 +You can put this token in any [[:​Actions|Action]] that has a text field, like a [[action:​Display_Text|Display Text Action]] or a [[action:​Set_Variable_to_Text|Set Variable To Text Action]], like this:
 +==== Using with a Variable ====
 +**However, if you want to use the UUID that is in a Keyboard Maestro Variable**, then it will require two Actions, because this token does not directly support the use of Variables:
 +  - Set a Variable to the MacroNameForUUID token with a Variable token for the UUID, as text, so that the MacroNameForUUID token is not evaluated, but the Variable token is evaluated
 +      * For example:​\\ ​ `%%MacroNameForUUID%%%Variable%myUUID%%%`
 +      * When the Action is executed, the Variable will be:\\  `%MacroNameForUUID%4ADD4CEB-D07C-4095-B06B-D01C48E3D82C%`
 +  - Filter that Variable to process the token, now that the Variable has been evaluated.
 +The result of these Actions is:
 +===== See Also =====
 +==== Actions ====
 +* [[action:​Filter|Filter]] (Process Text Tokens)
 +* [[:​Actions|See all Actions]]
 +=== Tokens ===
 +* [[token:​ExecutingMacro|%ExecutingMacro%]]
 +* [[token:​ExecutingMacroGroup|%ExecutingMacroGroup%]]
 +* [[token:​ExecutingMacroUUID|%ExecutingMacroUUID%]]
 +* [[token:​ExecutingThisMacro|%ExecutingThisMacro%]]
 +* [[token:​ExecutingThisMacroGroup|%ExecutingThisMacroGroup%]]
 +* [[token:​ExecutingThisMacroUUID|%ExecutingThisMacroUUID%]]
 +* [[:​Tokens|See all Tokens]]
 +==== Forum ====
 +- [[https://​​t/​macro-get-selected-macro-uuid-and-name-without-the-clipboard/​4330|MACRO:​ Get Selected Macro UUID (and name) (without the clipboard)]]
 +- [[https://​​search?​q=MacroNameForUUID|Keyboard Maestro Forum topics about MacroNameForUUID]]
token/MacroNameForUUID.1436956772.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/15 06:39 by peternlewis