Before you post a question to the Keyboard Maestro Forum please:
Even if you don't find what you're looking for you'll improve your knowledge of how to use Keyboard Maestro, and there's a good chance you'll ask better questions on the forum because of it.
If you can't find the answers you need in the Keyboard Maestro Wiki or (User Manual), then the Keyboard Maestro Forum is a great resource to
There are two ways to search the Forum:
along with your keywords:Avoid the XY Problem of asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem: + * When you are asking a question, ensure you are clear what you are actually trying to accomplish, not just the difficulty you are having in a specific attempt at solving the problem. There may be a much better way to solve the actual problem rather than resolving the difficulty with your specific attempt. + * Always include information about a broader picture along with any attempted solution. + * If someone asks for more information, do provide details. + * If there are other solutions you have already ruled out, share why you’ve ruled them out. This gives more information about your requirements.
If you are having trouble with a macro and want help, then please post:
For help on using the Forum Editor, see Using Markdown in the Keyboard Maestro Forum
This will help others to understand your issue, and to test the macro if need be.
To get the best, fastest answer to your question, provide us with the best info you can.
From the Keyboard Maestro editor
(Available for Keyboard Maestro version 7+ only)
This will create a new topic in the forum category you select.
To move the uploads to an existing topic, see instructions below these screenshots.
and then this popup will appear
To MOVE to an existing topic, then AFTER the new topic is created:
See this video: How To Upload Macro to Existing Post in Keyboard Maestro Forum
Follow these steps to manually export your macro to files, then upload
The items uploaded (shared) will be those items which are SELECTED in the editor:
— Original article posted by: Christopher Stone 2015/11/12 20:19