
Using Markdown in the Keyboard Maestro Forum

When you create a new topic or post a reply, the Forum Editor will provide a Toolbar with buttons. These buttons are shortcuts to inserting Markdown code. You can use the buttons or type the Markdown directly. The markdown used by the forum is very similar to “standard” Markdown, but there are some differences. See Discourse Markdown Documentation for details.

The Editor Toolbar

(Mouse-over a button to see a tooltip.)

From left to right the toolbar buttons are:

  1. Quote Whole Post
  2. Bold
  3. Italic
  4. Hyperlink
  5. Blockquote
  6. Preformatted text (code block)
  7. Upload
  8. Numbered List
  9. Bulleted List
  10. Heading
  11. Horizontal Rule
  12. Emoji

Formatting Code/Script Snippets

Place the code block between two lines of three backquotes: ```

tell application "Finder"
	set selectedItemList to selection as alias list
end tell

The result looks like this:

tell application "Finder"
	set selectedItemList to selection as alias list
end tell

The forum software expands TAB into a large number of spaces. So you may want to convert leading TABs to 3 spaces before posting. Tools like BBEdit and TextWrangler make this easy with their built in RegEx (Grep) Find & Replace.

Find: all TAB characters:


Replace: with three SPACE characters


The reduced indentation makes larger scripts significantly easier to read:

tell application "Finder"
   set selectedItemList to selection as alias list
end tell

See Also

For more information, see: Discourse Markdown Documentation

Using_Markdown_in_the_Keyboard_Maestro_Forum.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/21 16:24 by JMichaelTX