Ask Token

The %Ask% tokens is a placeholder used in the Prompt for Snippet action to indicate locations where user input for the snippet is required. It takes the form:

%Ask<Size><=Variable Name> or <:Default Value>%

Where Size is the rough size in characters or the number of lines.

For example, if used inline in text:

%Ask% 20 character wide text field
%Ask12% 12 character wide text field
%Ask12:Default% 12 character wide text field with initial value “Default”
%Ask40=VarName% 40 character wide text field with initial value from variable VarName

If the token is used on a line by itself, then a full width multi-line text field is used for input, and the token means:

%Ask% 5 line text field
%Ask8% 8 line text field
%Ask12:Default% 12 line text field with initial value “Default”
%Ask3=VarName% 3 line text field with initial value from variable VarName

Note that after the : or = character, the remainder of the token, up to the percentage character is used, so it can include further : or = characters without any problem, for example %Ask5:7:50% would be a 5 character wide field with initial value 7:50.

See Also